If it run’s andriod it’s not even a console even if it has buttons (correction, emulator exists forgot about that one)
Ouya… 2!
the only way it should fold is like a DS, with a bezel and dedicated joints. Foldable screens won’t work in the long term when you see how much abuse the average Nintendo Switch has been through
How about one that doesn’t fold?
Yeah I can’t imagine choosing to game on a device that has no physical controls and just touchscreen which is what I imagine this device would have to be if it’s foldable.
It will probably also be over $1000 if it’s a foldable touchscreen and have shitty hardware so may as well get a steam deck if you’re intent is gaming.
If I want to game on a touchscreen I’ll do it on my phone because it’s convenient. I’m not carrying a second device around for touchscreen gaming.
I mean… Nintendo has released several devices with physical buttons that fold. They sold famously well.
Also, you could read the article. There’s a massive picture of the patent with, shocker, physical buttons.
some of the emulators I use, when the phone is vertical they put the action on the top half and a bunch of touchscreeny buttons on the bottom. Still not as good as a physical controller, but it will do when the controller is recharging.
Folded right into the trash
You can not win against Nintendo.
Kids don’t want it because of the games and adults don’t want it because there’s better alternatives.
Literally only bought Nintendo for Mario for twenty years. Before that they were competitive consoles so it was a preference thing.
Maybe it will be as great as the Samsung Browser oh wait