I’ve played every Civilization up to and including 6, but I’ve been playing Humankind and loving it. It’s by the studio that did Endless Space 2, the game I’ve put the most hours into, and that’s saying a lot. Humankind solves some of the frustrations with Civilization I always had. For example, wonders are claimed by a civilization and made whenever the user feels like it. There’s no wasting 20 turns only to be beat by a player you haven’t even seen yet. Stuff like that.
I can vouch for Humankind too. It offers quite some depth and variability despite some stupid balancing here and there. Beware though it can often feel unfair and broken due to a hidden steep learning curve, as faith and influence are your core diplomatic strength, and the emphasis on territories when the game shoves cities in the main UI focus. Underneath its game design is largely quite good.
I’ve played every Civilization up to and including 6, but I’ve been playing Humankind and loving it. It’s by the studio that did Endless Space 2, the game I’ve put the most hours into, and that’s saying a lot. Humankind solves some of the frustrations with Civilization I always had. For example, wonders are claimed by a civilization and made whenever the user feels like it. There’s no wasting 20 turns only to be beat by a player you haven’t even seen yet. Stuff like that.
I can vouch for Humankind too. It offers quite some depth and variability despite some stupid balancing here and there. Beware though it can often feel unfair and broken due to a hidden steep learning curve, as faith and influence are your core diplomatic strength, and the emphasis on territories when the game shoves cities in the main UI focus. Underneath its game design is largely quite good.