Hello Selfhosted
- I’m writing to y’all asking for recommendations for a retailer that will properly pack spinning platter HDDs for shipping. These devices are sensitive to impacts, and since I’m intending to use them for critical data archiving, they need to be packed with appropriate padding! Newegg is apparently incapable of understanding this.
In particular I am looking for WD Red Plus drives, 2x of them, 10TB apiece.
To name and shame Newegg, I have now gotten two shipments of these from them, around $400 each time, and they have botched the packaging so badly on both that I would never accept and trust these drives. The first RMA I requested included notes about exactly how their packing failed, and about how these devices need to be treated better, which were entirely disregarded when they packed the second round.
Who can I buy from that will take their clients’ purchases seriously?!
Apparently it’s indeed a weird post. I’ll buy from the shop provided by several of the commenters who answered the question I asked. Really uninterested in describing to a user named “cyberpunk” of all things, why wanting a minimum of care for my purchases is actually not too much to request, I think every possible thing I might say has been said.
I felt my comment was rational based on the information presented, just trying to understand. I’m surprised it made you so unhinged.
I’m also not really sure why some random internet handle/username has set you off, it’s not like my username is “I_drop_then_ship_yo_HDDs_lol”.
To me, the username cyberpunk necessarily suggests someone who understands abuse by corporations and our gradually worsening treatment by them, which is relevant to me with this topic. With that said, making a big deal over someone’s username is just such classic Internet cringe, and I apologize, that was silly and unnecessary.
Edit: even just explaining myself and apologizing gets downvotes, it appears I have torched any good will available here.
And there he is, the douchebag shines through.