Please check my post, I think everything I said is very valid, but I want this community to see it too, and help steer the discussion, I think reddit is doing this intentionally.

    1 year ago

    Yeah! Definitely, I understand that! But in my neck of the woods “tankies” are more just boogeymen that people throw around when they want to cast an entire group as immoral. It’s not that they don’t exist, but they aren’t gaining power either. It just seems like an appeal to fear (a reasonable one at that), but using illogical framing that doesn’t at all represent reality. That’s the fundemental crux of it for me. It may come to bite me in the future too! Growing up in conservative parts in the U.S. I’ve grown numb to people claiming others are communists - it comes across as more a technique for division than any real concern of community harm.

    I’m not trying be an apologist for the devs opinions or detract from them as much as I’m trying to state that open source, and this project - given its git history - doesn’t appear to spread authoritarianism. I didn’t sign an agreement to violently seize the means of production upon cloning the repository. Had this information not been swirling around on reddit (and now lemmy) I would’ve never known that I had to “cancel” yet another thing.

    I mean, personally, I’d rather fork it and make it into a vision that the people of Tucson want in their social media experience. Lemmy is a bit better architected, and I think the codebase is a bit more mature for such thing.

      1 year ago

      See from my own neck of the woods, ‘tankies’ describes something with actual power, albeit very minor and entirely online. I’ve seen a shocking amount of online leftist communities infiltrated and taken over by them, with real earnest critiques about housing prices and wealth inequality diluted by worship of whichever anti-US dictator has caught their attention today. They’ll suck all the air out of the room, ban dissenters as ‘libs’, and then using the excuse “No Punching Left” remove criticisms of their weird ass views about Kim Jong-un and Putin.

      I get that this might not be a widespread usage, but in left leaning online spaces it’s a useful descriptor just because it keeps fucking happening and it actively shits up whichever community it happens to. I wish they were fucking boogeymen, honestly.

      The fear, I guess, is that given how many there already are in lemmy, they might pre-emptively poison the well in some way.