It’s not even that. That’s like a rounding error for them. They won’t even notice.
It’s not even that. That’s like a rounding error for them. They won’t even notice.
There’s a huge difference though with physical media. Yeah, you don’t own the movie, but you own the DVD that it’s stored on. They’re not going to come into your house and take the DVD back. Once you have it, it’s yours forever. When you “buy” something hosted on a corporate server, you can lose it if they don’t want to host it anymore, as evidenced by this Sony thing, or if they go out of business.
It’s not nebulous. You cannot own digital entertainment unless it is on physical media. You are buying a license to be able to view it whenever you want, as long as they have it available, and don’t change their terms of service. They say in their terms of service that they can change it whenever they want. There’s nothing we can do about it except not buy it in the first place. Their asses are covered quite well with that 60 page document they make you accept. They had a team of high powered lawyers write that thing, knowing that most people will never read it. They conditioned people to accepting the ToS without reading it by pushing ToS acceptance on meaningless things in the early days of software. Everyone became accustomed to just clicking okay, but now it actually does matter, and we still just click okay.
That’s too bad. Apparently their holo lens was really good. But pricing it at $4000 meant most people weren’t interested.
Chevy is still all about knobs, which is the proper way to create car controls. Ford is pretty heavy into a full touch screen control center, which is really annoying as a driver.
You know what’s unsafe? Putting a long-ass disclosure about keeping your eyes on the road that you have to close before you can use your infotainment center. We know how to drive, dude. Adding a distraction doesn’t improve safety, it makes it worse.
Isn’t the video game industry booming? What’s up with the layoffs? Is this the work of ChatGPT?
Edit: typo
Maybe copyright infringement on her voice?
Right? What he means is that he’s oblivious to what people want.
Oh, that’s terrible.
What is “always on” in a gaming context? I can’t imagine wanting a game that you can’t close.
I do only have one account with them now. They’re a terrible platform these days if you want an anonymous spam account. They were good back in the day because they offered 10x the storage as everyone else, and we hadn’t fully comprehended the scope of their snooping. My only email address with them now is used as a corporate spam address, since it’s completely overrun with spam anyways, after 20+ years of use.
It was disappointing. I had uber1337
and lost it due to them refusing to let me log back in. That name doesn’t mean much now, but it was pretty l33t back then.
Edit: I guess it’s actually a pretty stupid name now that there’s a taxi company named Uber. Cool, I just made peace with losing that account. Haha!
They wouldn’t let me log into a couple of accounts despite having the password, saying that I hadn’t used it for awhile and they couldn’t verify I was the account owner. Since there was no recovery email set, which was intentional because it was supposed to be an anonymous account, and none of the other information I set was real, they said they can’t verify me and won’t let me log in. They’re pretty insistent that passwords alone aren’t acceptable, even when you use all of your real information. Go try to log into Google on a new device from a new location and see what a huge PITA it is.
It’s not the first time. Besides, they won’t even let you log into old accounts that don’t have recovery emails and real names set. I lost a couple of really good usernames from the beta era after they rolled out all of their account protection practices. A password isn’t good enough for Google.
It’s not a bug. It’s them running A/B tests to completely block mobile users that aren’t on the app. They’ve been implementing different versions of this for over a year now. They always lie about what it was. Actually they pretty much habitually lie about all of their tests and changes.
especially long time users - expect things to be where they used to be
Moving advanced settings around is incredibly frustrating for users. Especially now how they have settings in multiple different places, but they do slightly different things. The POs that design these things are weirdos.
That doesn’t account for the frustration and confusion, the time wasted troubleshooting, the loss of property and time spent replacing it, the consumer trust violations, and the destruction of private property. They should face criminal charges for destruction of private property. By “they” I mean the executives who created and mandated this idea. Then they should be required to pay pain and suffering to each affected user at a rate of $100 per hour, with 5-10 hours assumed, and then have to replace the controllers they broke. Not give money to replace them, they should be required to immediately ship a new controller of the same type that they broke. Anything else is just lip-service, and a nice check for some random law firm.