Gaming enthusiast, writer, artist, and social media ronin. Current denizen of the Dork Web, aka federated media. Doesn’t play well with others.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • Hardware wise, that’s been pretty much the case forever (example: Atari 5200 is a consolized Atari 400 computer), but it’s that simplified interface and the instant gratification that makes the distinction between the two. On a game system: insert game. Press start. Play game. On a computer? Tons and tons and tons of loading and file management and updates and passwords and downloads and accepting EULAs and Oh God now it’s crashed and I have to start the damn thing all over again.

    Game consoles satisfy that urgent need for “ME GAME NOW.” At least, they used to. In the olden times, you could start a game in the time it takes for you to drop a quarter in the machine and press 1P. Now, it seems like game companies do everything within their power to delay that dopamine fix on consoles… which is uncomfortably close to the gaming experience on computers. “Another cut scene? Gee, great. It’s not like I started this video game to play a video game.”

  • There are too many of these goddamned social networks anyway. After Twitter/X exploded, everyone else wanted to grab a piece of that pie, and now we’ve got a dozen social networks nobody uses.

    If you want a progressive social network that doesn’t take shit from goosesteppers, Cohost is probably the place to go. It’s so neurodivergent and trans-friendly that I can’t imagine them blithely accepting Nazi content. It’s just not how Cohost works. “Blah blah blah, free speech!” Not here, chumps. We’ve got standards. Go somewhere else to push that poison.

  • I despise this decision. I should be able to tailor my experience to my liking, especially since I don’t play games online. What’s the harm in letting me have a joypad with six buttons on the front? It’s literally what Capcom fighting games are designed to use. Why can’t I have a D-pad that works well with fighting games? The Xbox Series controller is better than last generation’s joypad (and much better than the generation before that), but for some of us, it’s still not good enough.

    Also, it’s unlikely that 8bitdo will buy a license to make controllers for the Xbox. It’s the least popular console of this generation. You’re charging for the right to make controllers for a game system that’s well behind its competitors. Why do that when you can make controllers for the Switch or the PC, where you can sell more product at a lower cost? It’s just… stupid.