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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I know a lot of indy game developers do their thing hoping to get rich from it. And there’s nothing wrong with that. And they don’t all do that. Some people just really love coding and creating, and just want to make a cool game. Nothing wrong with that, either.

    But for once, I’d love to see some brilliant founder create a game studio that has some kind of poison pill clause that prevents it from ever going public or it’s IP ever being purchased by a large mega-corp. And in my wettest of wet dreams, that idea becomes a meme.

    Something tells me that here in the United States of Greed, such a thing is ‘un-possible’, legally speaking. Our whole corrupt system is set up to make half a dozen business bros get wealthier. They won’t tolerate anything that jams a wrench into that machinery.

  • There was some weirdo on reddit who only replied to comments that were years old. I’m not sure how he did it, as I thought posts became locked after 30 days or whatever (maybe this varies by sub?).

    The dude replied to some trivial comment I made 9 years earlier. So I looked at his comments history and they were all like that. I’m not sure what his game was. His replies were borderline “ackshually” in nature but mostly just replying to reply.

    Some redditors are just inane.