• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Its my favourite game mode and unfortunately marred by DEs inattention, though I’m hoping it recieves some love when infested liches drop, presumably with infested railjack nodes alongside them.

    I like to run solo with an NPC pilot, gunner and engineer so I can personally focus on boarding and the tunguska cannon. I do wish piloting NPCs would get some improvement though, they DO fire at exposed radiators and security nodes but they try to shoot through walls which doesn’t work even with photors, if DE could just add some waypoints around each main target that the NPC pilot can be forced to fly to so they can actually perform the external part of the mission I’d be super happy.

  • On the mild side she really needs duration increases, they were originally nerfed due to overpowered nuking builds that have both been patched and weren’t even that strong compared to some of the stuff in modern warframe.

    It’d also be nice if link could switch targets, right now it picks the closest target available whenever a link isn’t in use but if that target moves away it won’t re-target a closer enemy which makes it rather annoying as a source of melee range armor strip. Ideally it would switch to the closest 3 targets within line of sight, or out of line of sight if there are less than 3 targets in view.

    On the wild side it’d be cool if well of lifes augment got changed to make it so the target actually follows Trinity around so it can be re-located and used as as healing aura for the team.

  • Very fun pinball frame, great since his re-work but DE seem to have a hard time hitting the mark with how quickly consumed enemies die. If they died really quickly you could use eating as a direct form of killing but its not quite fast enough for that, but its too fast to easily maintain charges for your abilities and to stop his 3 from draining exponentially. It ends up with him being a very active and still fun frame but one that doesn’t quite hit the mark for either power fantasy.

  • So my build largely focuses on using her 4, I have tried nuking with her 1/4 but her 4 on its own is so powerful that it doesn’t really come up much. Range directly increases the AOE size of glory (with or without alt fire) and past a certain point glory can fully sustain her 2 because it has so much range that the 10% tag rate becomes enough due to all the overlapping hits. last I checked her 1 can’t currently trigger archon intensify though thats likely a bug.

  • Helicopter shield mom!
    With her augment and a strength over everything build I find she can be very strong if a bit braindead, just keep spamming pillage + haven and everything around you will quickly burn and die, balefire also becomes a lot more viable as a crazy raw damage weapon once everything has no armor. That said her kit feels a bit simplistic? Outside very low level nuking pillage is really her only trick with haven really just being an extension of pillage and balefire not really doing anything that couldn’t be done by any other weapon.

  • Honestly the lack of balance is what I appreciated, throwing drones or skags at people or summoning a mech and firing off a huge volley of homing missiles. Given the series was already flanderized by BL2 it was nice to have more unique powers; though the timing of them felt a bit nasty as they were too frequent to be worth saving but had enough cooldown to be annoying in a tight spot. I think a good balance in future would be impactful powers with a much longer cooldown or some kind of conditional trigger that keeps guns the main focus.