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  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • I haven’t played NMS, but watched a lot of videos regarding simulating planets, atmosphere (and transitioning to-from space) around the time it was hyped, and assumed that’s what NMS is doing. Which is (maybe? I haven’t played) why you can walk around the whole planet, and take off and turn around and see that same planet from space without loading, etc.

    NMS as I understand it is a simulation first, sandbox second.

    Starfield sounds like Spacerim if anything, with instanced planets that are separate from space. At ground level, planets are just flat planes and you only explore a small, generated chunk at one loaded instance. It’s not actually a spherical planet when on the ground.

  • Good thought. I see some potential issues though.

    I’m not well versed in how steam handles things like saves, configs, etc. I would think if those are saved in the steam apps folder, then they are indeed written on the location the game is saves. RO would also prevent updates as well.

    Overall I think the writing to disk is much less of a concern than say having a whole OS on there.

    Does RPi’s Raspbian support any boot moad like “toram?”. I have no idea what size those OSes are for a pi, but I wonder if things like that would help too. I know some OSes are designed to be less write-intensive to prevent some of this as well.