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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • It doesn’t invalidate what they’re doing in a karmic way, no. As for any legal precedent way, I’m genuinely concerned that it’ll very much be a “too little, too late” scenario. Many of us who have come from the school of Jim Fucking Sterling Son, or even those with their eyes open, saw how bad this could get a decade ago. It got bad enough to go to court where companies like EA produced pathetic stand-in excuses about “lootboxes” that manipulate the young, ill and weak-willed into spending insane amounts of money are actually “surprise mechanics” and thus totally different. Some countries were smart enough to put some amount of age limit on such things, others were even smarter and outright banned them but many just let it happen. It has kept happening and the biggest gaming corpos are now more than big enough to hire all of the lawyers in the world collectively and fight any claims off through the sheer force of printing money.

    Yes, I’m possibly embellishing a little in that lot but after witnessing the gaming market slip further and further down the sinkhole the way it has with excuses of “it’s only cosmetic”, “it’s optional” and “it’s not required to experience the game”, I have every reason to think we’re not coming back from this.

  • DebatableRaccoon@lemmy.catoPC Gaming@lemmy.ca*Permanently Deleted*
    16 days ago

    A lot of people won’t like the answer but no private individual should ever trust a corporate entity. They aren’t held to the same standards a regular person is so we can only hope that in a bad situation, the company will do the right thing. When there’s a difference between right morally, right for the customer and right for the bottom line is the time to start sweating and hoping.

  • I wouldn’t touch Samsung with a 10’ barge pole. That said, I’m not interested in OLED. MicroLED looks like a much more interesting technology to me.

    As for the expectation of not having your data sold when spending more, I’d say it stems from the free and cheap business model of prices being low because they subsidise the cost by selling your data. If what you’re getting is free/cheap, you are the product, thus if you’re paying serious money, the expectation is that you’ve bought it and there’s no subsidising going on.

    Personally, when the time comes for me to upgrade, I’ll be looking at either a commercial TV or a large monitor (not ultra wide) since I don’t use smart TV features and already have a setup to not need internal speakers.