Butts. Doctor Butts, A.S.S.

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023


  • Man, I love the singleminded drones downvoting me just because I didn’t say this game is perfect. I still like this game a lot, I’m just saying it’s got flaws right now.

    -There are a lot of fun primary, secondary and support (big guns) weapons to use. The gun play is very fun. Cool weapon models, cool weapon SFX, cool VFX. Unfortunately, only the automatic shotgun and arguably the incendiary shotgun or SMG are viable at any difficulty past the beginner stuff since the ones I mentioned are the only ones with enough DPS and/or ammo reserves to be useful at that level.

    -Support weapons are the big guns. All of them very cool. Unfortunately, at difficulty 5 and higher, your team encounters multiple enemies during each swarm wave with heavy armor - heavy armor that is untouchable except to a scant few weapons that can pierce that armor. GG no re if your team doesn’t have a competent person bringing one of these. At the moment, the meta is just use a railgun for everything, not because it is overpowered, but because it is the only weapon that isn’t severely undertuned.

    -General difficulty balance: OK, so the game sells you this idea of being a badass space soldier who gets to slaughter hordes of bugs or robots, right? But at higher difficulties, the meta shifts from being DOOM guy lite into being scared little babies who need to stealth past all the enemies on each map in order to succeed.

    There’s more I could nitpick but those are the big balance issues imo. Like I said, very fun, but expect to be frustrated by bugs and balance issues the more you play.

  • I was wondering if this quote would look better in context, but nope:

    Verified developer Bethesda_FalcoYamaoka jumped into the discussion to defend the mammoth planet-hopper. “Some of Starfield’s planets are meant to be empty by design - but that’s not boring,” the developer says (cheers, Destructoid). FalcoYamaoka continues to say that wandering through the alien landscapes is supposed to evoke feelings of “smallness.” The intention is to “make you feel overwhelmed” at the vastness of space.

    FalcoYamaoka really just chose to die on that hill, a hill that is most likely on a completely empty planet. It’s possible for them to have 100% achieved their design goal of smallness and making a player feel overwhelmed and for it to still be boring.

  • Been testing out lots of stuff recently:

    • Jagged Alliance 3 - Maybe I was too harsh with this game, but the whole experience felt decidedly “budget.” I get that a $45 game today is more like a $30 game of only a few years ago, or a $20 game before that, though everything felt rough around the edges: writing, the sparse weapon and enemy types, the unexciting stock-looking art.

    • Iron Oath - It’s like a hybrid between Darkest Dungeon and Battle Brothers. You manage a mercenary company by hiring and equipping them, then directing them across an overworld map as in-game days pass. Then you dive into dungeons, progressing from room to room very much like DD, and when there is combat, it’s turn-based tactics with pre-deployment on a grid. I played this game nonstop for two days before I tore myself away and got my ass back to work lol. My primary issue is lack of content and lack of combat variety, I’m only halfway through the main campaign but after 100+ battles, they start to feel kinda samey.

    • Despot’s Dystopian Army Builder - This is made in the same universe as the creator’s prior game, Despot’s Game. If you are familiar with these titles, please tell me if/why you like them, because I don’t understand their appeal. These look like games, they sound like games, they present themselves like games, but these are not games, these feel as if they were made by someone who has only ever seen other people play video games and never played them personally.