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Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Styanax was pretty fun to play, I had it modded to be a shield tank before his Final Stand augment was added, so he had pretty good survivability. His 1 without his augment feels terrible to use though because it requires you to hit a target to group enemies and if that enemy has Overguard it won’t group any of the other enemies around even if they aren’t protected by Overguard. It doesn’t help that Overguard is getting put on everything in recent updates, his augment does let you hit the ground instead but that feels more like a band-aid instead of just letting it group enemies that aren’t CC immune.

    He had pretty good energy management with rally point and tharros strike helped with removing armor from tankier enemies before killing them to replenish your shields. I don’t think Final Stand was useful on its own, but it is a very good ability if you’re using its augment.

  • Railjack is pretty mixed for me.

    I liked the Grineer missions where your squad could complete different objectives in parallel/spit the squad up to perform different tasks, and the missions also felt somewhat unique compared to the base game. Corpus missions on the other hand just feels like playing a mission to play some other game mode already available on the base star chart.

    I don’t like the current energy system for ship abilities, it feels like it was balanced poorly because it’s dependant on which warframe you chose, and feels like certain warframes were nerfed before the system was even implemented. Energy costs scale poorly with Hildryn, she was nerfed before the update dropped because people wanted to make use of Shield regen for casting abilities. If I remember correctly, this was also part of the reason Dispensary’s duration was nerfed as a Helminth ability when the helminth system was added.

    Current combat in space is an improvement over what we had in early versions of railjack; if the host had bad weapons for their railjack you had to put up with it because enemies heavily resisted archgun damage. The Amesha was and probably still is the only usable archwing for these missions. Gunnery 10 still feels like it’s a nerf, I just prefer the feeling of having control over what I’m shooting at and not that it’s automated for me, the extra overheat on top of that doesn’t help either though. Other people might appreciate the lock-on, but it probably belongs under an accessibility setting rather than the last unlock for an intrinsic.

    Not sure if void fissures ever changed, before if you were moving too fast through the level, you would just hit multiple void fissures and die. I think they might have just been spawning them directly on the player as the tiles loaded.

    Overall, I think most of the game mode needs a rework and other game modes to differentiate it from the base game.

  • I don’t think Trinity really needed much of a rework other than some extra base duration and maybe some range for her 1, 3 and 4.

    The cap for damage ability damage reduction is 90% for most other warframes that have a damage reducing ability (i.e. Parasitic Link/Immolation), both Link and Blessing should have their cap raised to 90%.

    Her Pool of Life augment seems kind of pointless on her because energy/health regeneration is the rest of her kit, unless you run a gimmicky mods like Energizing/Mending shot. It’s still a somewhat useful mod for anyone that’s subsumed Well of Life onto another warframe though.

    Champion’s Blessing was never particularly useful due to shield gating, but is even less useful with everything getting overguard in recent updates. It requires constant up keep or else you lose the entire buff. Other healing buffs like Wisp’s Health Mote, or Sevagoth’s Gloom also make building up the buff from Champion’s Blessing difficult.

    Some type of heal over time effect being added might be helpful for any game mode that requires you to be mobile instead of just camping in one place. Mostly just a convenience thing rather than useful because Blessing already burst heals everything in affinity range.

  • Brief Respite and the Augur set mods can be used to prevent Harrow’s Penance from triggering his shield gate. Penance drains shields based on your current shields when cast and the small shield restore from these mods will keep your shields from fully depleting. Augur mods are slightly better because they work in overguard shield ranges.

  • Dystopia@dormi.zonetoWarframe@dormi.zoneTennoLive 2024 Megathread
    2 months ago

    My only real issues with Trinity are her low duration on her 1, 3 and 4, and her augments really need to be better, especially champion’s blessing which wasn’t really usable because of shield gating and is even less usable now with Overguard becoming more common. Energy Vampire Trinity still has its niche though, and is still probably my go to frame for the Index. Link isn’t bad either in Radiation sorties besides the very low duration.

  • Protea is a fairly strong caster frame that also doubles as a support frame.

    Protea’s shield grenades are extremely helpful for any content where enemies do very high damage to the player as long as the damage isn’t toxin. They’re functionally Arcane Aegis as an ability. The Tap/Hold functionality can be inverted in settings if you find you primarily use one mode over the other making it a little more comfortable to cast. The slash grenades offer some minor CC but the damage feels a little lack luster to me, at least when compared to her turrets.

    Blaze Artillery is a very strong ability and it becomes more effective the more duration you mode for. It still requires some range to be effective though. Grouping abilities also help to make the turret more effective because the splash damage also increases its shot multiplier. There is also the Temporal Artillery augment for this ability which essentially turns the turret into one of Xaku’s, but the combo count is capped to 20, and requires using Temporal Anchor to be used at the same time.

    Dispensary is Protea’s other support ability. it’s very useful if your loadout includes weapons with very low maximum ammo/arch guns or if you’re going to be doing anything that requires staying in a small area for a some amount of time like piloting a railjack or defense/survival missions. The augment for this ability was never really worth using and after the recent QOL changes to radar and companion reviving is even less useful. The Helmenth version of this ability was probably over-nerfed and only has 50% of the duration when subsumed onto another warframe.

    Temporal Anchor is an ability that feels like it griefs you more than it helps you. If you forget to cancel the ability before the timer expires, you can be sent back far behind the rest of your squad. If it was possible to cancel the rewind while in progress it wouldn’t be as bad, but as the ability functions currently, you’re probably better off replacing it with something else. The Temporal Erosion augment seems somewhat useful, but with the armor rework it’s probably less important to have.

  • CC could be a little more usable on eximus in general, I wish they got the Sentient/boss nerf to CC abilities where the abilities just have diminished effectiveness rather than it either works or it doesn’t.

    I’ve been running around with a resonance Banshee a lot for this event, it’s nice seeing lots of highlighted enemies spreading the debuff around. I don’t think Silence makes that much of a difference when you can out walk the beams of death, their damage still seems bugged to me though, Covenant shows almost 2M damage prevented if I stand still for the duration of one of the beams. I don’t think it can damage objectives though.

  • Overall, I think the game mode is pretty fun/relaxed. It doesn’t feel like there’s a meta loadout being enforced, and for the most part, you have the freedom to bring whatever you want to the mission.
    There doesn’t really seem to be any failure condition either (other than maybe the first objective, but I’ve never managed to fail there).
    The pity system is also nice to have for anyone who doesn’t have the time to farm or has terrible luck and the event cosmetics also look really nice.

  • Hildryn is one of the more fun tank frames to play, and is actually pretty good for harder content if you’re having trouble staying alive.

    Balefire unfortunately falls off in higher level content, exalted weapons are probably in need of an update to make them on par with current weapons.

    Pillage is a very versatile ability, removing armor/shields from enemies and replenishing the players shields and cleansing status on the caster and their allies. As long as you can keep Hildryn’s overshields active with this ability, toxin damage will not be able to bypass your shields.

    Haven along with the Blazing Pillage augment makes Hildryn usable against the infested too while providing a bit of extra CC with the Heat procs.

    Aegis Storm is also kind of useless, it reduces your mobility and only lets you use Balefire as a weapon. It can generate energy orbs but those are really only useful for your team mates and only moderately useful to Hildryn.

    Rakta Dark Dagger is a pretty good weapon to pair with Hildryn as an alternative to Blazing Pillage or if you just want to quickly max your shield without waiting for Pillage to end.

    I also like using Chroma’s Elemental Ward (Electric) and replacing Hildryn’s 4. It both gives Hildryn even more shields and reflects damage done to Hildryns shields back to enemies. Abilities that drain Hildryns shields like Haven will also trigger this effectively turning Hildryn into a walking shock mote. This used to be really fun with the old Unairu’s damage reflect, just being able to walk into a group of enemies and killing them with all the reflected damage.

  • Harrow is probably one of my most played warframes. He has great survivability and some very strong weapon buffs which make weapons that have usability issues a lot more viable and fun to use. It is a lot easier to play Harrow if you only focus on modding for solo gameplay rather than team support. Missions I would typically use Harrow for would be Disruption and Survival, and mostly focused on duration and strength.

    Condemn works great for quickly freezing important targets like Demolysts in place for easy headshots. It still won’t hold them for long but with Harrow’s fire rate buff and crit chance, you should be able to kill most Demolysts very quickly. I would not bother using the condemn augment, especially with how easy it is to get energy now.

    Penance has a useful interaction with shield regeneration mods like Brief Respite and the Augur set, If you don’t have active Overshields with Brief Respite equipped, the shield regen will prevent your shield gating from tripping making it a lot safer to use around enemies. The Augur set is a little better if you can fit one of the mods as it can prevent penance from triggering shield gating even when cast with active overshields. Penance also gives a large boost to your weapons fire rate and reload speed making certain weapons much more usable without wasting mod slots.

    Thurible is mostly just used to keep your own energy up and allows you to run around with negative efficiency and always have a cast of condemn ready for emergencies. I don’t find Warding Thurible to be very useful.

    Covenant and the Lasting Covenant augment are what I usually try to mod for on Harrow. This is mostly for precision weapons or if you loadout is focused around headshots with arcanes like Arcane Pistoleer or single target weapons. If your team is nuking or CC focused with Gloom/Shock motes, it’s best to find a group of enemies alone to get your full buff or find a couple exploding barrels to take self damage.

    For weapons, generally I like to use snipers, Penance and Lasting Covenant help to work around the lower fire rate and reload speeds, and the Sporothrix is pretty fun with this setup and its Volatile Variant augment. For pistoles, Arcane Pistoleer and anything that’s full auto and has a high fire rate like the Twin Grakatas. As long as you’re getting headshot kills, it’s like running around with an infinite ammo fissure buff. The melee weapon typically doesn’t matter, Rakta Dark Dagger to quickly refill shields or the Furax with Amalgam Furax Body Count if you want to have even more fire rate on your pistols. It’s also probably one of the few warframes where spearguns like the Scourge and Afentis can be useful.

  • Probably one of the harder warframes to farm because a blueprint is on a Rotation C mission. If you see her as a reward for the Duviri Circuit it can save you a lot of bad RNG trying to get her Neuroptics from a Survival mission.

    Her abilities make most difficult missions doable even while solo, and my favourite use for her is to use Mallet to quickly spawn a Sister of Parvos. Her kit is pretty versatile giving mild CC, damage, invisibility, and even energy regeneration which can also be granted from Octavia Specters.

  • I like to mod my On Call’s weapon with some form of status CC. They’re normally pretty strong on their own but it can still help with slowing down enemies. Normally it would be something like Radiation + Cold so enemies will target each other instead of trying to take an objective in Interception and Cold is the only CC status effect that works through Overguard.

  • Getting Dante is generally less grindy than some of the more recent frames especially with the pity system they added. It also came with some nice updates like better markers for Disruption and in a recent patch, made Rage/Hunter Adrenaline/Vex Armor usable even with overguard active.

    From the time I’ve spent playing him, he feels mostly like a caster/Equinox with faster ramp-up and better survivability. I tend to play more weapon buff focus frames like Harrow/Wisp/Saryn with augments so Dante probably isn’t really the frame for me. He isn’t a bad choice though for anyone that likes caster style warframes/nukes though assuming you’re fine with line of sight checks.