Unmodified unpatched original Morrowind had this strange bug where a goblin (can’t remember where, but he was in a castle) would sell you 5000 gold for 5000 gold. He would reset every day so you could continue this indefinitely. Then if you killed him you could then loot him for the accumulated gold you had sold him. (Let say you had done this 365 days it would net you 1 825 000 gold)
Unmodified unpatched original Morrowind had this strange bug where a goblin (can’t remember where, but he was in a castle) would sell you 5000 gold for 5000 gold. He would reset every day so you could continue this indefinitely. Then if you killed him you could then loot him for the accumulated gold you had sold him. (Let say you had done this 365 days it would net you 1 825 000 gold)