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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Having lots of empty planets is realistic to be fair, but realism is unfortunately boring a lot of the time.

    Personally I’m a big fan of the game but I’ve been pining for a Bethesda game for a long time and I will always enjoy a fetch quest where I have to kill bandits. I totally understand the criticism (although I do think it’s slightly blown out of proportion because it’s Bethesda).

    Overall, the game is good. It’s not great (yet, anyway) but I’m 30ish hours in and I feel like I’m 10hrs in. The quest line I focused on after getting my bearings seems to be one of the better ones and while I prefer exploring in a skyrim/fallout way I have had plenty of fun just dropping by random planets to see what I can find. It’s at least very obvious which planets are boring before you even land on them. Ultimately in real life I think we can be pretty confident that the vast majority of planets and solar systems would be boring as fuck. Starfield needs some aspect of realism so having one or 2 planets or moons/stations per system that are actually worth visiting is a good call in my opinion.

  • They’re treated the same because they’re all applied to have maximum fun for the players and to encourage spending. You can also play as Zico or Pele and their stats are reflective as if they played a modern game even though it just wouldn’t work that way. But it’s done that way because people have fun (or more accurately, spend money) playing as a legend, even if they wouldn’t be the same player in today’s game as they were in their day.

    Simulation games aren’t striving for maximum realism, they’re striving for maximum engagement and enjoyment. Although defining games strictly by genres is kind of pointless these days because almost everything straddles so many of them.

  • Because what does it even matter? We should be encouraging women’s football to continue to grow, part of that is making sure it’s fun to play in games as well as competitive on the pitch.

    It’s come so far in recent years, and when we’re talking about a game which is designed primarily for fun, being unhappy that women’s stats aren’t an apples and apples comparison to the men’s stats is just silly.

    It says that you have an issue with the women’s game being treated in the same way as the men’s game. Video games are designed for fun, not for simulation, and there are plenty of good reasons to have women be comparable with men in a computer game.

    You’d have been upset when Tony hawk games had women skaters that could ollie as high as the men too huh? Or got upset when Chun Li won in street fighter games?

  • It’s not simple criticism though is it mate? It’s criticising people who are contributing to the world while offering nothing yourself. That’s the whole point which has already been pretty clearly explained.

    If we take it back to your original comment you’re literally criticising the amount of free work someone chooses to do. I’d hoped you might see the analogy but it seems like we’re past that point so let’s call it a day.

    Good luck though mate, maybe think about it a bit more when you don’t feel like it’s a battle with an anonymous Internet person and can look more objectively at the points made :) x