Certain clauses may be unenforceable, but not the entire EULA.
Admin & sysadmin of a Warframe-focused Lemmy instance at https://dormi.zone.
Developer of a UI mod for Vivaldi Browser: https://github.com/HKayn/vivaldi-vh
Certain clauses may be unenforceable, but not the entire EULA.
I really would have loved for the “ride out” cutscene to play in one piece. Having Volt run along instead of hopping on a bike is chef’s kiss
switching to a new comment for this, because i have a feeling i would hit the character limit
The crew: Megan Everett, Rebecca Ford, Steve Sinclair, Pablo Alonso, Geoff Crookes, Sheldon Carter
DE donated 100k CAD to the ablegamers charity and SickKids each
DE will be at Gamescom on the 24th of august!
And Tokyo Game Show on the 28th to 29th of September!
Tennocon 2025 will be on the 18th-19th of July 2025!
##General Info
prologue update to 1999
will be revaled at Tokyo Game Show
get Caliban for free when logging in after the update drops for a limited time!
Caliban Rework
5 new Incarnons
Companions 2.0 part 2
New Warframe
an Animated short by THE LINE will be released on launch of the update
Atomicycles can be summoned on demand at any time
Bossfight against… straight a straight up Tank
“Gemini skin” emote: switch to the proto version (if available) of your frame
light nyx + trinity rework
it’s OnLyne, the boyband featured in 1999
Congrats on the release!
How is lemmy-ui-leptos coming along? Curious to know when it might be ready for primetime.
He’s another frame I like to take for a spin from time to time. I have a bit of a soft spot for Exalted melee brawlers; they’re one of my favorite power fantasies for frames.
I think his Restraint mechanic is an interesting way of gating access to his strongest ability, though I do find it hilarious that his optimal build requires you to absolutely decimate his ability duration.
I really like using the Battacor for its looks and versatility.
As for melees, nothing beats the Ohma for me. I just really like tonfas.
It’s easier to make small saves for games like The Pedestrian, because essentially all you have to track is which puzzles you’ve solved.
Whereas in an RPG with a persistent world like Cyberpunk or Skyrim, you have to save the state of every single object and mechanic the player has interacted with during their run, and there are usually a whole lot of those.
With GOG, you can at least have full confidence that the game will continue to work without any outside connections.
I didn’t say they deserve no protection at all. You are twisting my words because my opinion doesn’t align with yours.
I advocate for games having a clear indicator for any online dependencies. I do not advocate for outlawing said dependencies or mandating “offline patches”.
If you are clearly told that you’re buying an ephemeral product and you are still surprised when it shuts down, then I don’t know what to tell you.
This basically boils down to “read the terms & conditions”, which isn’t unreasonable.
If a game states in its terms that access may be revoked at any time and you buy the game, then you have no reason to be surprised when access is eventually revoked.
Obviously when terms aren’t clear enough or intentionally obfuscated, that’s indeed an issue for legislation to act upon.
I’m really curious to see how this will end up feeling.
And slightly worried about the amount of Forma I might need to adapt all my stuff.
All this wouldn’t be necessary if gamers would just stop buying games that are obviously live services with remote kill switches.
How else do you expect the moderators of that sub to keep out raiders and spam bots?
Preparing for the recap, as usual.
#For the Soulframe section of the stream, check out this post on r/PlaySoulframe
new item: dex nikana reward for logging in starting march 27th
as usual, all previous rewards return
throwing weapon skin
backpack syandana
Sales will support the SickKids Foundation and AbleGamers
will feature Drusus leverian and parvos granum
Sticky corners are gone
new emote from the gauss prime trailer
Loki adjustmens and invisibility cosmetic changes, as already announced
Prime Ephemera
comes with a prime trailer
Cinematic quest form the stalkers point of view
Between Dante Unbound and 1999 (before tennocon)
57th Warframe: Jade
Stalker landing craft
Excalibur ≠ Arthur (Arthur will not show up in your arsneal instead of excal)
Ben Starr had a great nap
“conflict between humanity and the not human”
Proto Excalibur: Arthur voiced by Ben Starr
Proto-Mag: Aoi voiced by Alpha Takahashi
“pretty big role”
more details at tennocon
core warframe, but ever so slightly different (“it’s not duviri or anything”)
Q: Caliban buffs?
A: He’s under the gaze of pablo
Q: any other rewords?
A: an unnamed frame is being looked at
Q: What inspired proto-mag (aoi)
A: Liger. Aoi as contrast to Arthur. Tennocon might bring more proto-frame designs
Q: removing pseudo exalted weapons / stat sticking?
A: removing stat sticks would result in buffs for pseudo exalted, but no specific plans
Q: trading improvements?
A: no immediate plans for warframe.market-esque features
Q: Drifter in profile view? new cosmetics (trench coat?)
A: interesting idea. more outfits coming soon
Q: More incentive for legendary mastery ranks?
A: no tactical rewards planned, maybe social ones
Q: infested liches?
A: watch tennocon
Q: dark sector inspirations?
A: warframe is sci-fi of the original dark sector ideas, so 1999 is kinda like dark sector again (but no remaster)
Q: Fashion proto-frame?
A: yes.
Q: grate prime?
A: confimred by ben starr
A: is squadlink ever coming back?
Q: not totally dead (just mostly), but maybe not returning as expected. something is being tested
Q: did anyone actually go to space? (an old contest)
A: nah, they jsut took the money (was an option from the beginning)
Q: Warframe tabletop game?
A: a content creator is working on a homebrew ttrpg, but no official plans
Q: Kit-Frames?
A: there was an old concept, but no actual plans
Q: To Rebb: Are you personally happy with movement in warframe?
A: bringing back wallrunning would be cool, but movement is great as it is now
Q: Soulframe movement similar to warframe
A: much slower
Q: Soulframe: other inspirations than “Cozy” fantasy?
A: player as healer, nature vs technology, romanticism
Q: if you could go on a date with a warframe, who would it be?
A: Geoff: Excal, Megan: Valkyr, Rebb: all of htem
Q: favourite voice acting parts for Ben
A: some not yet revealed stuff, also that he is a lovable character, despite being a relatively rough, “cool” character
Q: Titania Buffs?
A: tribue might be more user friendly, but she’s otherwise in a very good spot
Those Dex Pixia do kill, indeed
Q: What NPC would be your bestie?
A: Ben: Fibonacci, Megan: Ordis, Geoff: Lotus (totally not forced to say that), Rebb: little duck
Q: Where is Veso?
A: Veko is still dead.
Q: Clan improvements?
A: more clan events are planned
Q: how are new characters developed?
A: Library of devs and their passions. “the team is diverse and loves really cool shit”. also keith thompson is build different
Q: Void key style content?
A: “tease” with dagath keys, omnia fissures are somewhat similar
Q: protea toggle for visor?
A: maybe?
Q: fashionframe: DE colour palette of dev picked colours? (“Megans greatest hits”)
A: cool idea
Q: New Necramechs?
A: Not anytime soon, but necramech enemy AI is being reworked
Q: clem quest?
A: he’s already pretty busy, but maybe
Q: spawn rates and reactant in cross-platform missions are wonky
A: the worst causes can be tweaked
Q: duviri drifter melee on star chart?
A: maybe? would take some time to come up with a good implementation
Q: clan / alliance collaboration events?
A: social rewards are always great, so maybe?
Here’s to hoping the post shows up without any issues this time!
And that was the end of GOG
I’m confused. I opened the first 6 issues featured in your lemmy-ui link and you closed them all yourself?
I’ll stop including the Twitch channel as the post link, perhaps that might help.
All good! Thankfully there’s been plenty of reports coming in for each post. I hope this community didn’t cause your team too much trouble.
If you want to own your games, buy them on GOG.