Don’t mind a late reply, especially with such detailed and helpful advice. Thank you!
Don’t mind a late reply, especially with such detailed and helpful advice. Thank you!
Okay, there’s more complexity to the Hex than I thought. I’m not sure how to go about making the text large enough to be remotely legible for that massive tree.
Yeah, I think we’re just not going to like each-other. His whole transactional shtick just makes me uncomfortable.
Thanks! The Wishlist was just the thing I was thinking I could use to help with this.
Thanks! I’ll try to get ahold of it.
Thanks, I’ll make those swaps and see what I can do. Might be willing to spend some Forma too if I can get to the point of killing it really quickly with bazooka-mode.
I’m not. The Corufell’s heavy fires a projectile that pierces all the Tanks parts and hits it multiple times per shot. Pops weak points along the wide projectile’s path and does a decent amount of damage per shot, spread between the several hits, even without weak points.
Spamming Heavy Attacks with the Corufell almost brings back the good memories of the OG Opticore from many updates ago.
I’d have renamed it ‘This plays folk music’ in reference to the instrument that read/reads ‘this kills fascists’.
To these obnoxious bigoted busybodies? Yes. It wouldn’t count as strait sex if it were opposite sexes doing it but logic doesn’t matter to them.
Probably, they found some mention of a non-cis relationship and decided to blow that up to saying there’s porn in the game because that’s what this modern brand of bigotry does. Along with trying to legislatively ban porn, which they’ve previously defined as anything non-cis.
Woke is just the new ‘satanic’. The bigots of the day don’t care what it means, it sounds distasteful to the people who’d listen to them so they apply it to whatever they’re opposed to.
Thanks for the corrections. I’ll have to look up the elementalist mods and see about changing my builds over if I need more power.
The basics aren’t especially complex complex but getting int overflow like this is special.
The basics:
All ‘types’ of damage modifier are multiplicative to each-other but only additive with multiple instances of the same type. Base Damage x Multishot x Critical x Elemental Damage x Faction Damage x Enemy Weaknesses
Nope, missed optimal damage numb- wait that’s negative. Nevermind, yes you’ve modded that right.
I void sling as my big movement technique. I’ll jump when I need to but for the most part I don’t really enjoy bullet glide, especially when I need to aim precisely. I did enjoy Wisps passive a little when I was maining her but I think I’m just going to use Prime Sure Footed or Jade on future slogs against H-09.
Hell the unreasonable squishiness of Limbo is why I’ve resolved to do Limbo Prime last. If I manage to max every other frame in the game I’ll deal with the frame that has realistic Human durability.
Thanks, really builds the desire to go get the one missing piece I had for the Stropha.
What I call cheesing is tools meant to wholly subvert the challenge. Back when Raptor was first introduced I brought Loki and switch-teleported it into a hallway because it’d get stuck and wouldn’t be able to shoot at the team, wholly invalidating the difficulty of the flying boss bombing us.
So for H-09 it’s bringing the Corufell, or possibly the OG Opticore (haven’t tried it yet), and spamming heavy attacks rather than trying to poke the roaming weak points while trying not to be bashed around by it’s obsession with knockback abilities.
I am probably bringing the wrong guns/loadouts. In my fights with this thing in phase 2 I can shoot the body for chip damage or the weak points for chip damage x5 or so. Makes this fight at least feel like it takes significantly longer than anything else I’ve been successful at.
Thanks. Not sure how much that’ll help me but I could try staying airborne more… I’m not fond of that style of combat but if it makes the fight not take a half hour then it might be worth it. I’m fairly certain Tridolon would take me less time than H-09.
I probably need to remod some of my guns, for me shooting the armor plates did like 300-500 damage. Shooting the weak points does ~1400-3000. Faster to shoot the weakpoints, not factoring in time to aim, but not by much.
N^N where N is whatever number you’re thinking of.