Yeah, works surprisingly well with controller. You’ll probably wanna mess around with the bindings, though.
Avatar is official art of Garl from Sea of Stars by Sabotage Studios.
Yeah, works surprisingly well with controller. You’ll probably wanna mess around with the bindings, though.
Nice, I’ve been playing a lot lately.
No but don’t you see?! Something something free market! Something something innovation! It’s good for corps to be cancerous and destructive!
Absolute shame. What a waste.
Yeah, I’ve heard it’s a lot better these days and I’ll probably get around to it in the next couple of years (I’m sure you know how backlogs are).
Did the opposite for me. I was so tired of seeing stuff about it back on Reddit that I filtered it out. I think it made me less likely to buy the game due to exhaustion. People just wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it and nothing else could get through.
Well I wasn’t planning on hating you but due to my compulsive contrarianism we are now bitter enemies. See you in Hell and have a nice day!
Too many people talking about their big black decks.
Nice to see Jesse mentioned. I love his entire sphere of friends.
Every day I’m more glad I didn’t buy it. Didn’t even cost me much friend time. They only played it for about a week.
Turns out I’m wrong. Plauded is a perfectly valid short form of applauded.
Lauded or applauded. Plauded is wordn’t.
Edit: I am rightn’t.
wHaT bUsInEsS hAvE yOu StArTeD