Digital and software freedom/rights advocate from Slovenia, Europe. Also a member of the Pirate party. You can find me on Mastodon:
Well and behind it is stealing other peoples’ work (posts and comments, moderation and administration) and selling them as yours. The oldest capitalist criminal trick in the book: privatization AKA primitive accumulation AKA enclosure of the commons.
I agree and hope that what comes after it is even better at supporting gaming on GNU/Linux and contributing to various libre and opensource projects like KDE and Proton and Mesa and such.
Oh how I wish those TV manufacturers would get rid of HDMI and replace it with DisplyPort. HDMI mafia does not allow opensource implementations of HDMI specification and so not all latest features of it can be supported by graphics card drivers on GNU/Linux. Death to HDMI!
Yeah I am so glad I switched to GNU/Linux years ago, Have to keep supporting closed OSes at work with our software and with each release they are just getting worse and worse, while GNU/Linux just keeps getting better.
No thanks. We don’t need more closed and bloated spyware, what we need is more open and privacy respecing OSes like GNU/Linux and devices using it like Steam Deck.
No thanks. We don’t need more closed and bloated spyware, what we need is more open and privacy respecing OSes like GNU/Linux and devices using it like Steam Deck.
Agree and hope it brings even better GNU/Linux gaming support, as it is the OS that is in this democratic users/people owned operating system, just as other free as in freedom and opensource collaborative software. In this regard Valve does quite a very good job of improving and sponsoring GNU/Linux, Mesa drivers KDE and other opensource projects. What all other gaming companies fail terribly at. What comes after Valve must be even better at it.