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I’m just a weird, furry, pan guy (cis he/him). I also have a big, blue username.

If I was a character in Danganronpa, my talent would be The Ultimate Loser and I’d be the first character killed in the murder game.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I would love to see level designs like the original games, but with mechanics closer to Skate instead of THPS’s original arcadey style controls. Even the good remake feels old because of the stiff animations and how you lock onto rails and such.

    Though I mean having Tony Hawk attached to it doesn’t actually mean anything to me. I just want a good, modern, skateboard game that translates what it’s really like to do skateboard tricks into something I can perform with a controller really well and feels smooth as butter doing it.

    I mean the main reason the series died was because it stopped being innovative in the concept of “skateboarding video game.”

  • I’m just a solo player but I have my own clan for the research stuff. But I only just started that so most of the facilities are still being built.

    I am missing out on some mods I’ve been suggested. I have no multi shot ones or the ROF increase I know exists. Since the damage output mods I have are already maxed and equipped to the gun, I’m just waiting to get those kind of mods before I use a Forma.

    Does playing in a group increase drop rates like most co-op games or is it simply easier/faster because you have more people wrecking the enemy? The only time I’ve been going public is when I am in my Railjack because that’s actually kinda fun with more people.

  • That is the beauty of these games; you only get told the story if you go looking for it. You can still play the entire game and even all the extra content and not have a single thing straight told to you that’s out of your control. Every time I go and play something else, the biggest frustration for me is that I’m just there for the game part, but it takes control away a lot just to give me half an hour of exposition to a story I’m not paying attention to.