Here is the original thread he posted (
Here is the original thread he posted (
But Telegram also have access to more info about its users, considering that messages are not end to end encrypted by default, than Signal does of its. This means that Telegram can share any data it wants, its users are just hoping that it won’t. In the case of Signal, they don’t have access to any meaningful data in the first place. Also leaving these here:
This is third place I am posting this to, but whatever:
When the Twitter migration happened, a lot of folks got overenthusiastic about the idea of the fediverse and started setting up their own Mastodon instances, despite having little to no experience with selfhosting before.
A lot of such instances have since shut down as they realised the amount of efforts that actually needs into hosting such a platform, especially instances with open registrations. However, a large number of them did survive and are now thriving.
Has the growth rate slowed? Sure, just like it is expected happen after a sudden influx. But it is false to say that Mastodon growth has stalled. Instead, the phrase I would use is ‘stabilized’. Mastodon growth has stabilized into a healthy level as user growth is now happening more organically. Some stats below:
12,808,214 accounts +217,864 in the last week
Stats on most active instances:
By number of users: number of posts: can anyone look at these numbers and say that the growth has stalled?
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This. Federation doesn’t transfer private data of the user, just their public facing profile and posts. There is no expectation of them being private.
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Of course gamer bros are salty about this!
I still use them for my TV and AC remotes, flashlights and wall clocks.
I never realised that many people don’t need to use it anymore.