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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Mesa@programming.devtoWarframe@dormi.zoneFor the fun: Weapons
    6 days ago

    My favorite melee that, albeit AFAIK well respected, you don’t actually ever see in the wild is Stropha.

    The style definitely does not suit every frame, but my Volt, Zephyr, and Mag can take crazy advantage of it.

    It was only a few days ago I took Corufell off Mag and replaced it with Stropha. Should’ve done that wayyyy earlier.

  • I’d really hate to see them just tape overguard on another frame and call it fixed.

    To keep Trinity’s kit true to her essence, she needs massive scaling damage reduction capabilities. This way, pulse healing abilities can actually be relevant.

    This is probably be beyond what DE means by “light rework,” but if they’d rework her 4th ability to work similarly to Harrow’s Covenant, where you have a damage absorption period followed by an uncapped but decreasing function of absorbed damage to damage reduction, I think she could regain her relevance.

    Please no taped on overguard.

  • It takes most random squads more than six minutes. Consensus is about 8 on average. Also, yes. For a non-endurance mission, when the other options are captures, exterminates, sabotages, etc. where the lower bound is ~2 minutes and the highest is maybe 6 minutes with an incompetent team, 8 minutes on average is extraordinarily long.

    This isn’t even considering that pickups are hell on Ascension. Sure, reactant will be marked, but chasing it down vertically? In a coordinated effort, it might not be too bad, but surely it’s more trouble than it’s worth.

  • Mesa@programming.devtoWarframe@dormi.zoneJade: A warframe review
    3 months ago
    • Lights Judgement:
      This is a pretty great ability, it effectively acts like blood altar but without requiring an enemy and with extra synergy with other parts of her kit. It does suffer a bit from the same issue as Trinitys ‘well of life’ in that despite being an objectively good ability its a bit overshadowed by the rest of her kit.

    I think old modding habits are really inhibiting your Jade. She’s got two aura slots and a healing ability. To me, this immediately screams Combat Discipline + Archon Intensify; and it’s really hard to justify not using it.

    Light’s Judgment has one other important effect besides the healing: it tags enemies with her passive. Not only does the passive make targets more vulnerable to damage; it also sets them up to be detonated by her 4, Glory on High.

    As for Glory on High, please keep in mind that damage types, statuses, and enemy resistances just got massively reworked. Yes, Viral + Slash/Heat is still great; but blast just went from zero to hero. If you’re encountering enemies sporadically, the viral+heat build will serve you well. But if you are fighting hordes, please10x just try a blast build (I’m using blast+electric). Paradigm-shift type effectiveness.

    A little more specifically, I’m curious as to why you’ve built in so much range. With her 2 and 3, I’ve personally been very reluctant to sacrifice strength. I got the impression from your overview that you weren’t focusing too much on her 1, but I see why you wouldn’t want to spam it with that efficiency. I’ve seen a few people opt for Blind Rage, but it’s always paired with Overextended, which means there are essentially three slots serving range (counting Stretch), which really only serves to boost your coverage of the Glory detonation, which may or may not actually be effective; all while also tanking your efficiency. I slotted in a Casting Speed shard so I can just cast twice if needed, and also have better control of the coverage.

    She’s a great frame, and a great opportunity to try out some new damage combos and techniques. She very much feels like a spiritual foil to Dagath, so I went back and refactored Dagath to complement my playstyle for Jade. Fun stuff.

  • Mesa@programming.devtoWarframe@dormi.zoneDante: No Grind?
    6 months ago

    It’s designed for a full squad, but you can solo it if you bring the right build.

    TL;DR: Don’t expect to run solo if you don’t have a maxed Unairu/Madurai tree, fully unlocked Waybound focus skills, and a high DPS tank build.

    Difficulty doesn’t scale down if you run it solo, you have no revives, and progression relies on kills; so you can’t exactly AFK it, but running solo isn’t impossible.

    It won’t be hard to queue into a full squad, but running it solo is, on average, faster for me because I don’t have to worry about squad mates screwing around and doing everything else but the Netracell.

    I usually bring Grendel and I have a pretty high success rate in solo. Meatball is the perfect mix of speed, tank, and sustainability for quickly finding the Netracell and being able to ward off the enemies. If I fail, it’s usually because there was a perfect storm of being bombarded by eximus units, a rogue Voidrig taking me out, and then there not being enough standard enemies to get the requisite kills in Last Gasp.

  • Mesa@programming.devtoWarframe@dormi.zoneOnos thoughts?
    6 months ago

    Damage is good, but the style of fire sucks in my opinion. I was excited to finally add a non-kitgun secondary to my rotation, but unfortunately it’s not getting any more than the one forma I’ve already put into it.

    It feels like a higher crit Lex Prime.

  • https://www.google.com/search?q=narcissist+etymology

    I am sorry that you and your partner have to deal with that, but you are also factually incorrect.

    I didn’t say NPD is insurmountable, I said it’s crippling.

    “Cripple” is widely considered a slur, moreso than “narcissist” by far. And the word “crippling” is idiomatically more directly related to “cripple” than “narcissist” is to “Narcissistic Personality Disorder.”

    My point is that people use words all the time, and unfortunately not everyone can know everything about how every word makes everyone feel. If you are discomforted by the use of the word, it’s your right to be so; but also take into context that very few people are even aware that this word can be considered a slur.

  • You aren’t alone. I stopped posting to Reddit in the protest and haven’t posted/voted since, but old threads are just too useful to completely block it out.

    The thing is, though, my Reddit usage from Google Search hasn’t replaced what used to be my time browsing Reddit. I now exclusively use it for informational old threads via Google Search.

    If before API terms changes I spent 7 hours a week on Reddit, and let’s say 5% of that was needing Google search results from Reddit specifically and the other 95% of usage was scrolling through my Reddit front page; I am not now spending 7 hours on Reddit via Google search. I’m now only using that 5% of 7 hours/week = 21 minutes/week on Reddit, and maybe even less considering my newfound aversion to the website.

    And I suspect that most of the people who stopped using Reddit after the changes—whether by lapse or by principle—are not gonna come crawling back to it if Reddit chooses to sever that tenuous metaphoric link.

    Edit: clarified a subject