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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 24th, 2024


  • I’m going to be very excited for the Steam Deck when it comes out. Though I feel like Valve has been building hype around it for a little too long. I feel like they should have started advertising a year or a year and a half from release date. And considering they haven’t even announced a release date yet, perhaps that magical date is in the future. By the time Valve actually starts selling the thing, the hype might be all dried up.

  • I disagree. Look at the time Justin Roiland was accused of false imprisonment, and they replaced Rick and Morty. It went great, the new Rick and Morty sound perfect. Now look at how Marvel dragged their feet on replacing Jonathan Majors and eventually decided to just ignore all their Kang foreshadowing and replace him with Dr Doom. It sucks, they should have just recast him.

    Recasting allows newer and less well known actors to break into an entertainment industry dominated by sequels, adaptations, and franchises. They reduce the capital held by big time actors who are already far too rich. Recasting is good.

  • Sure thing, I will be 100% direct:

    Deadlock is third person (over the shoulder). Dota is third person (3D rendered top-down). These two forms of camera are named after the literary convention of third person narration in literature. Literary third person, like gaming third person, comes in a variety of forms, typically characterised by the level of omniscience of the narrator. You and WereCat are using third person as a shorthand for over the shoulder because you have poor critical thinking skills and prefer to mindlessly repeat the words you’ve heard other use. Other people typically use third person in video games to refer to shooters, contrasting it with first person. There are no isometric shooters, unless you count bullet hells. While isometric games are also third person, people typically choose the shorter name of isometric when applicable for convenience. The Wernicke’s area of your brain has therefore decided that isometric games are not third person, because it works on correlations, not on logic. You neglected to use your conscious powers of logic to question your assumptions, because you’re lazy.

  • What I’m hearing right now is that you think my preference to have a character that looks like me in video games isn’t worth pursuing because of camel toes, and because a troll might conceivably use the same features that help me, to make a character you don’t like. I already told you the nonbinary perspective on this issue. I’d just like to take a moment before I offer counterarguments to ask… what on earth is your intention with offering these arguments?

    Now, as to camel toes: I cannot remember ever seeing a visible camel toe on a character in a video game. Maybe this is just because I don’t make a habit of staring at the crotches of women and femmes in games. But if I did notice a camel toe in a video game that was not about sex, my first thought would be “what the fuck game developers” and I would immediately be on the look out for misogyny in other aspects of the game. Maybe I’m completely off base here and I’ve actually been playing characters with camel toes this entire time and not realised it because I’m not a creep. But in that case, revealing this information to me would increase the gender dysphoria I feel in these games. Why do you want to do that?

    And as for trolls? I saw someone in this thread respond to you say they like bearded ladies. You might have read that as a joke, but it wasn’t. Popular streamer JoCat is also a fan of bearded ladies, and I know this because he was cancelled by a bunch of TERFs for playing one in Baldur’s Gate while singing a controversial song. He decided to quit making his YouTube videos because of the harassment. JoCat is not a transphobe. He’s used his platform to raise money for LGBTQ charities in the past, and he was previously embedded quite firmly in the queer D&D youtubers community, friends with a lot of queer people who had nothing but positive things to say about him. I think that you’re confusing your trauma around transphobic representations with other genuine queer people who just wanna live as themselves, and you’re circling back around to transphobia as a result.

  • Unless you’ve installed some very particular mods, the body types in most video games do not contain genitals, and therefore are not definitively male nor female.

    I have boobs and a butt. My body looks like “Body B” from these games. It is not a female body. It does not have a vagina. I have a surgery planned, and that surgery will not result in a vagina. What I’m hearing right now is that you think my body is female. And that makes me feel uncomfortable because I do not want a female body. A feminine body, I am happy with, but not female. I choose “Body B” in these games because it looks like my body, which I am happy with. I do not choose it because it’s “female”. I feel a little bit of pain every time I have to click on female.