I need to go back and beat this game. It’s so good.
I need to go back and beat this game. It’s so good.
Games need to support it well with remapping and better UI and ways to control that make sense.
Here’s the link to Games Done Quick: https://crowd.gamesdonequick.com/
And here’s the schedule: https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule/48
I want to get used to the pads. I have a deck and never use them. Was there a game that helped you get used to the pads?
Fuck yeah. I wish I could get my friends to play this mod with me.
Which general?
As you wish…
Are you somehow equating my opinion with an objective fact? Boring can’t be objective, it’s different for everyone.
Did they ever increase flying or running speed? About the time I got the saddle for flying I realized how painfully slow max movement speed was.
People have been trending away from random online interactions for decades. With good reason. As populations increased the ability to police behavior plummeted. Negative interactions skyrocketed and now few people want to chance abuse with it being so common.
It’s also partly what you said: people want to get stuff done. I remember EverQuest 1 and Nexus. You couldn’t do shit solo. People generally want to be able to actually play the game and accomplish something and they don’t always have 30-60 min to look for a group before they can start playing.
It’s a very different market these days and people have a lot of things they can do with their time. Playing chat roulette to play a game doesn’t cut it.
Of course not. The plagiarism comparisons were overblown and no one can copyright the basic idea anyways.
They are also just a fad and generally a boring game with a lot of faults. They aren’t a threat.
Corrected my first post. I don’t just but deep sales. I only buy games at full price of marginal sales if I want to play them immediately.
I have stopped buying games that aren’t on 90% off sales, and even then mostly stopped. I only buy a game that I want to play immediately. I have way too much to do and play and it’s not worth building a backlog since I’ll just forget it anyways.
Long gone are the days of super sales where 75-95% off were common.
Edit: clarification: I buy very cheap games for my backlog and buy games full price as long as I want to play them right now.
They’re really just video game toy stores and have been for years.
Ah I see. At least with golems it feels like you can still do damage at the glowing bits. I’ll just keep hammering :)
Logitech hardware: pretty good!
Logitech software: worst shit I’ve ever seen.
Logitech AI: Dead-drunk Skynet telling you to lick your fans.
Agreed. I’m glad there’s so many difficulty sliders built into this game: big variety of guns, NPC summons, spirit summons.
I beat the first major boss: Dancing Lion from trailers. I’m not good at these games. Took me a dozen+ tries. I used the NPC summon because they tend to have story elements.
NPC doesn’t do much damage and dies quickly in phase 2. It helps but not that much.
So far it’s not that hard. Biggest hurdle is even with +24 weapons I cannot do sufficient damage to the wickermen or new dragons. I assume it’s the leveling items? But their moves aren’t hard, it just feels like chip damage.
Wonder if a parent company could own them both.
Man I love it when billionaire assholes finally figure out what the rest of the world has been saying since the beginning.