There’s a “philosopher” who the far-right techbro-oligarchs rely on, whose blog is grey-something-or-other…
I tried using wget & there’s a bug or something in the site, so it keeps inserting links-to-other-sites into uri’s, so you get bullshit like
The site apparently works for the people who browse it, but wget isn’t succeeding in just cloning the thing.
I want the items that the usable-site is made-of, not endless-failed-requests following recursive errors, forever…
Apparently one has to be ultra-competent to be able to configure all the disincludes & things in the command-line-switches, to get any particular site dealt-with by wget.
Sure, on static-sites it’s magic, but on too many sites with dynamically-constructed portions of themselves, it’s a damn headache, at times…
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There ought be a do not follow recursive links switch for it, Hoomin…
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