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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I’m not sure if Stray counts as Cyberpunk, but it has most of the trappings and is a great game. A bit short. It’s kind of like the futuristic part of Cyberpunk taken beyond the extinction of the humans.

    You play a cat that has accidentally fallen into a walled city that’s full of human-like robots and uncover what happened to the humans as you try to get out.

  • 41 year old woman who games Playstation and PC. There is no age cutoff.

    That said, it wasn’t all that common to have a game system when I grew up. My grandmother had an Atari because of her Alzheimers and that’s what made my family nerds but people from Gen X are a lot less likely to have gotten the habit young.

    Maybe a younger woman will be more likelyto be into it. But you both don’t have to like all the same things. Ask the women you date about their hobbies instead of talking about yours, maybe? There must be some common ground interests, or at least something on their side that could be considered a bit offbeat, geeky, or childish and you can bond over being on the receiving end of judgment. Maybe she’s into Renfaire or Star Trek.

  • HAS a game. In addition to the other comments, there’s an MMO. Star Trek Online’s been going for like, 11 or 12 years now. It’s actually pretty neat because the missions are “Episode” format and they go by “seasons” for content. They have a LOT of Trek actors for voice acting. Like, they did have a lot of content voiced by Rene Auberjonois and Aron Eisenberg before they passed. They had some sequences with Leonard Nimoy voicing too.

    They had one season that had most of the Voyager cast, except for Janeway and Chakotay, and then they got Kate Mulgrew for the current storyline. They had another season that was a DS9 reunion with a whole storyline set from the DS9 hub.

    Right now I’m a bit checked out because it’s a HUGE mirrorverse storyline, but they got Wil Wheaton, Gates McFadden, and Kate Mulgrew doing voiceover so I’m almost certainly going back to play through.

    It is, however, a free to play model with lockboxes. If you’re competitive you end up spending money or a lot of time, but if you just want a story you can ignore all that.

    https://www.playstartrekonline.com/en/ – You can play PC or there’s a version on Playstation or XBox. The communities and accounts don’t link up, though, so I never tried the console version. All my stuff is on the PC account.

    Sadly, the STO subreddit did not move to lemmy with the major Star Trek subreddits.