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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Good old fashioned nepotism. People generally get into executive roles because of who they know, not anything they’ve done. Don’t get me wrong, you need some minimum level of demonstrated competency, but these aren’t rocket scientists we’re talking about. They are people who managed to finish an MBA without shitting themselves and then did time at some excel jockey jobs before shaking hands with the right person.

    The reality is that actual good ideas are often threatening to the people currently in charge because it makes them look bad. Thinking outside the box is thumbing your nose at “what we know works.” It’s “rocking the boat” but what that really means is “wait your turn pleb.”

  • Having seen this play out at a smaller scale before, there is 100% an ego driven calculus at play here, because there are probably 200 different overpaid executives who supported the PSN bait and switch as a “strategic initiative” to “drive platform engagement” for “revenue expansion roadmaps” who would look like they’ve accomplished nothing at all if this was truly dead. It’s not like they can just make a good game which produces stable long term cashflow. That’s so 2012. Now we need “metrics,” and “telemetry,” and “app installs.”

    If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my career it’s that you will never convince anyone wearing a suit that they are wrong. The best you can hope for is to make them think they came up with an even better idea on their own.