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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2023


  • I mean, that’s how production works. It’s an investment. The company invests in the games, spending their own money, and then sell it to make that money back and profit. That’s how it works in every other industry. And, the most similar thing to compare it to: video production. Movies, tv, etc.

    This stupid method is what ends up creating all of the problems with game production, namely that stupid “crunch” shit. They take peoples money, creating impatience in the customer, and then squeeze the programmers in order to deliver when the company creates this sudden ticking clock because they didn’t want to do business like every other company ever. Invest in the product, make it good enough to profit. If you fail, it’s your money lost, just like it is for movie studios.

    You’re definitely right the journos are pouring gasoline on this fire, but it’s an entirely self-created problem for the studios.

  • I mean, a big part of why this is such a problem these days has to come down to them getting pressured to release games, right? Why even announce them so early then? Why are we talking about these when they’re not even in production yet. The studio can just say, “yeah, we’ll be making sequels to the games you love, but they won’t be out for a long time, longer than I can even predict.”

    They light their shoes on fire and then run around doing stupid shit, releasing games too early by trying to create hype before they’re remotely ready to deliver on them. It just seems like such a self inflicted wound that does not need to happen. Don’t announce shit until you’re really about to button the game up. What good does years of “it’ll be coming out soon-ish!” do for them? Is it all about preorders to fund the last legs of production? I just don’t get it. It seems like a huge problem that they’re just creating themselves for absolutely no reason. Why go through the months of bad reviews, bad press, angry customers, and getting shit all over for a massive fuck up when they could’ve just released it a few months later? The game will be bought either way. And you skip the whole “everyone is pissed because our otherwise good game just isn’t ready yet” stage. So bizarre.

  • I mean, I’m all for it. I’d be one of those people spending money on the online RDR2 if it were better. If they kept adding missions and story arcs to the campaign, I’d buy every one. But I honestly think gta V changed that company, in more recent years, even. It’s continued making absurd money. It’s literally The most profitable piece of media ever made.

    Take Two probably kept winnowing down staff on other titles to bring them into the GTA team, whether that be 5 or 6. I don’t have proof of that, but it feels surprising they would be focusing on anything else after they got RDR 2 to market. I mean, look how bad the online game was initially. And it’s still pretty bad. They did update it a good amount (or so I’m told, I wasn’t around for the beginning. Playing RDR2 in the last two years literally made me a gamer. I’ve spent countless hours playing and replaying that campaign. And it still gets to me. So well written.) I actually just dropped replaying that campaign in the past few months to play Cyberpunk. Which I’m really enjoying, actually.

    I’m just saying, they’ve made a lot of shitty moves as a company since 2018. I just wouldn’t be surprised if their entire focus is on GTAV online and GTAVI.

  • But that’s the point. It’s already in their hands. There is no ethical and helpful application of AI that doesn’t go hand in hand with these assholes having mostly s monopoly on it. Us using it for ourselves doesn’t take it out of their hands. Yes, you can self-host your own and make it helpful in theory but the truth is this is a tool being weaponized by capitalists to steal more data and amass more wealth and power. This technology is inextricable from the timeline we’re stuck in: vulture capitalism in its latest, most hostile stages. This shit in this time is only a detriment to everyone else but the tech bros and their data harvesting and “disrupting” (mostly of the order that allowed those “less skilled” workers among us to survive, albeit just barely). I’m all for less work. In theory. Because this iteration of “less work” is only tied to “more suffering” and moving from pointless jobs to assistant to the AI taking over pointless jobs to increase profits. This can’t lead to utopia. Because capitalism.

  • For a second I thought you might’ve been replying to the wrong comment. But I see what you’re saying. I was having a similar convo with my friend the other day. I’ve never been a “gamer,” but I’ve pretty consistently had fifa, would play gta at my friends houses. My brother and I played the halo games. But I distinguished myself from my other friends because they were all “gamers” that would spend all day playing video games, would have a bunch of different ones, would play online (when that became a thing), etc. And even by those standards I’m still not really a “gamer.” I have one game I’ll play at a time, but now I’ve had a couple I’ll play for longer than I ever had. But rdr2 really did change everything. I couldn’t stop playing, I played it over and over again, I read up on it, and in that fun I had, I looked for other games to buy to enjoy, hoping to find another that would bring me that much entertainment. Still haven’t found one, though. And I’m still replaying the rdr2 campaign lol

    I just fuckin love that game to death. I gotta update my console though. Eyeing a ps5 at the moment bc I wanted to play the RE4 remake and more recently cyberpunk or whatever that one is called. I got assassin’s creed mirage and it was…okay. I never even finished it and haven’t turned it on it like a week. The story didn’t grab me, the animation was constantly subpar. Rdr2 gave me exactly what I want in a game: an open world, beautiful graphics, but mostly, that fuckin story, ugh. It gets me where I live every goddamn time I’ve played it. And I’ve replayed that campaign probably more than 90% of people. I’m a show rewatcher, though. I love stories, and can be affected by them even if I know how they go.

  • Interesting. When you really dive into conversations he has with gang members, you do start finding out more about him. He was thrust into the life of crime, manipulated by Dutch for his own ends, and disposed of by him. Dutch tried to turn him into a soulless killing machine, but you find out more about how Arthur sees the world the more you do engage with people.

    Yeah, he is a vessel for the conflict between the bullshit about “living free” that Dutch preaches and the actual evil they do, but he has depth of his own as the story goes on.

    I get it, he does seem to be unthinking, but as an engine for the story, he embodies the conflict. Maybe you see that as being an empty character, I see it as an interesting storytelling device.