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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • The Creation Kit is a highly useful tool set for doing content mods like quests and locations. It makes it very easy to get into modding and work on a wide but shallow array of things, which is why the majority of modders wait for it (because most mods are going to have shallow bits and pieces even if they’re very deep).

    However, a mod as major and engine-tearing as Skyrim Together is going to have to work outside the bounds of the Creation Kit, and the Creation Kit is going to have a very minor impact if any on it, because it doesn’t have those shallow bits and bobs. It isn’t adding content, quests, locations, or anything like that. Skyrim Together is not modifying Skyrim, it’s modifying the framework in which Skyrim exists (and Creation Kit is used to mod inside the world, largely).

    It’s perfectly reasonable to be working on a multiplayer mod this early. Heck, it’s not impossible to be working on moving over many large mods because it’s largely the same engine (let’s be real, the 2 means nothing). It would probably be easier with the Creation Kit in some ways, but it’s not a necessity for the more technically-advanced mods because those mods often work around the Creation Kit anyway.

  • For the easiest frame option in terms of resources/time to acquire:

    Step 1: Get Revenant (Prime, which should be easy to acquire)

    Step 2: Get Natural Talent (the mod)

    Step 3: Slap Natural Talent and ability strength into Revenant, also energy economy

    Step 4: Congratz, you are now immortal with Revenant’s 2.

    For the best weapons:

    Felarx, Laetum, Phenmor with Devouring Attrition (the incarnon perk that gives a 50% chance on a non-crit for 2000% damage, which bypasses damage adaptation that Archons have, and will kill anything below an Archon quite easily)

    For the easy weapons:

    I can’t be of much help since I mainly use the Felarx, but any weapon with multishot and tons of tiny damage instances instead of one big one should do. Shotguns work well for this, provided they’re pellet shotguns and not big blasts like the Arca Plasmor.

  • Lore-wise? I don’t understand the question?

    If you’re asking which weapon is more like the Corpus, probably the Ambassador (though you should probably just get a Supra or Dera if you want to cosplay Corpus).

    If you’re asking which weapon the Tenno would be more likely to have… I’m not sure that question has any lore with which to answer.

    If you’re asking which weapon would kill better in lore, the Arca Plasmor shoots plasma while the Ambassador shoots either explosives or electricity. Damage-wise my money is on the Arca Plasmor, because plasma is really hot goo that can chew through stuff while electricity can be diverted with a simple metal rod (and given the plasmor’s AoE, that’s probably enough plasma to make some sort of explosion of death wherever you shoot it). Practicality-wise, the Ambassador is more versatile and less likely to melt your face off while you’re using it.

  • They commented in a devstream at one point that boss fights like the Jackal take a ton of work (and have presumably little payoff, though I worry they’re only looking at immediate number changes and not attempting to understand how such things can affect the long-term health of a game).

    Personally, I don’t much care for the parazon other than the fact it let me not worry about hacking as much.

  • I’ll be completely honest and state that this seems like an awful build and my points stand.

    Like, there is nothing in this build that makes sense or makes use of anything unique to Frost. Icy Avalanche is a joke in Steel Path, and any frame with an armor strip would work for this build. You could easily run Gauss and subsume Terrify on him, or if you don’t want to bother with the battery you could use anyone with an armor strip from Nekros to even Caliban. You have many better choices for what your build is accomplishing.

    All your caster frame damage is coming from the subsumed ability, not Frost. Again, you’ve discovered that Thermal Sunder is great. Frost isn’t keeping you alive if you’re running around, his globes are stationary blockers and Icy Avalanche is, once again, just not useful in Steel Path and will get eaten before you blink.

    Out-damaging the average player in Steel Path Circuit is as easy as having one thing that works. That thing in this build is Thermal Sunder. It’s not an impressive feat, especially when Circuit isn’t balanced (as stated by the devs) and you can easily get very good decrees while others don’t.

    If you want Frost to function well, there’s a couple builds you could use. Some go the Parasitic Armor route to boost his armor to keep him alive in Steel Path and turn his Snow Globe into something that will survive for a very long time with or without being shot. You could also maximize efficiency and allow him to spam both Snow Globe and his 4, which is very useful. There is also, of course, Biting Frost. However, even these kinds of builds are still lacking, because Frost himself is lacking. If you run frames like Nezha, Revenant, Mesa, Saryn, Zephyr, or any other of the dozens of frames that are leagues ahead of Frost with any sort of competency, it should become very clear that Frost is just not that great of an option.

  • Idk about ash and loki (never used them), but Ivara has to use silenced weapons, cannot sprint or bullet jump in her invisibility, so I wouldn’t call it 0 drawback, also it’s a channeled ability, constantly using energy, instead of octavia’s press once and free invis…

    Silencing weapons is easy and only requires a mod slot that is not needed for other things on a lot of weapons. The only thing Ivara needs is movement speed (or rather parkour velocity for rolling), which she can now get from yellow archon shards. Her invisibility lasts so long that it doesn’t manner that it’s a channeled ability, it will never run out as long as you haven’t completely dropped your energy economy into the gutter. It’s a single button press, as opposed to Octavia’s press to enable crouch-spam for invisibility.

    Octavia’s damage scaling could be slow in the regular starchart, but in steel path or sp circuit? 1 or 2 shots and all the enemies in a 30 meter radius are dead… That’s with just 200% strength mind you.

    That’s still slow. Waiting for the enemy to shoot is slow. I’m well aware how quickly it can kill, weapons easily do it faster if you know what you’re doing.

    Also, the button press analogy is kinda wrong

    That was my point. It is wrong, and you were the one talking about button presses first saying all she needs to do is press her abilities to win. That’s true of a lot of frames, and every frame can be summarized as ‘press buttons to win’ if we’re being extremely reductive.

    Also, yes I do agree about the rest of the game being more broken than octavia, ffs have you seen the feralx one-hit an archon? I have…

    Well yeah, but that’s why Octavia isn’t an issue and isn’t something to be removed. At least, not before a dozen other things.

  • Oh yeah, infinite 0 drawback invisibility like Ivara, Ash, Loki, lol. Invisibility is useful, but make no mistake that it’s not invincibility which frames also have like Revenant, Valkyr, also Loki again, and other frames who have practical invincibility like Zephyr who can just float away from her only danger, melee enemies.

    Now, obviously, other frames don’t have recastable invisibility but that’s QoL which proves my point. Enemies don’t detect you immediately the moment you leave invisibility, so you can chain it on any frame such that you’re never actually detected. It’s a matter of QoL preference, and most people prefer a single button press every X seconds (or once in the case of Ivara, lol) in contrast to Octavia’s crouch spam.

    As for her scaling damage, it’s slow and relies on enemies targeting her mallet. A weapon will be faster at any level if you know how to mod it well, and any frame I’ve mentioned in this comment is completely capable of standing in one spot, though Valkyr would certainly prefer to run around and murder enemies.

    The amount of button presses a frame requires is not indicative of their power level. I can kill everything in a mission with 2 button presses using Revenant’s 2 and 4 for most missions, maybe the occasional 3rd if I need Roar at higher levels. That doesn’t mean it’s quick, and that doesn’t mean it’s strong. I’m not saying Octavia is weak, but she’s not broken, at least not anymore so than the rest of the game (which I would agree is broken in general, lol).

  • He’s absolutely not in a decent spot IMO. He’s still one of the worst frames. His globe is still just a major annoyance for everyone with blocking shots, it’s completely stationary and his only way to survive at high levels, and his 4 is a really, really expensive, slow armor strip that lacks range when combined with the fact that Frost needs a dozen mods to do things and only has 8 slots (or 10 but 2 really aren’t too relevant to boosting abilities).

    His augments help, but the issue is they’re fighting against the other things Frost needs like casting speed and range. Combine that with Eximus units that just completely ignore almost everything Frost does and he’s really not that good at all.

    I agree Thermal Sunder is great. I agree armor strips are good (but really, completely replaceable given viral/slash exists). I don’t agree that Frost is good, decent, or anything above bad.

  • To note:

    Revenant and Zephyr can both survive using their unique abilities to any level. Zephyr has a harder time of it and they both need casting speed for real safety, but they both can do it (plus Zephyr gets all her other cool tricks, CC, and damage spreading tornadoes). Garuda can also get away with spamming her 4 for invincibility (and 3 for energy) using Molt Reconstruct + shield-gating, and of course there are invisibility frames. Loki with Safeguard Switch is nearly as invincible as Revenant and any invisibility frame (Voruna, Ivara, Ash, Octavia) with rolling guard can survive pretty well even when allies are getting enemies to fire straight at you (at least long enough to reposition out of harm’s way or kill the enemies).

    If you want to facetank, slotting in adaptation is extremely useful, in addition to Arcane Blessing and Arcane Double Back. Healing is important, though, so I also recommend subsuming gloom, which is the ultimate subsume for HP tanking since it provides tons of CC in addition to lifesteal, and there really isn’t any better source of super-consistent healing for most frames. You can get to level 900+ with all of this, especially once you add in umbral mods.

    I would also note that Revenant is the ultimate facetanker, but doesn’t use HP for it (Mesmer Skin is my favorite ability in the game because it lets me chill even in Steel Path). All he needs is casting speed (recasting Mesmer Skin leaves you temporarily vulnerable and is slow enough that a shield-gate won’t necessarily keep you alive, but casting speed will fix that), energy (he’s not energy-hungry as long as you don’t slot in blind rage and don’t use his 4 (though there are builds that work with his 4 rather than abandon it)), and ability strength (though even unranked and with no strength mods Mesmer Skin can keep you alive better than a normal shield-gate build provided casting speed). As a word of warning, a few rare things (mostly barrels/environmental damage) do bypass Mesmer Skin, but Mesmer Skin will keep you alive regardless because you literally cannot go below 2 HP with Mesmer Skin active (though you will assuredly die when you attempt to recast it if you don’t have your shield up).

    As always, though, the best method of defense is offense. You’re going to have trouble taking damage if you just stand still, no matter how much EHP you get. It’s important to have weapons that can clear rooms in seconds in Steel Path because you will only have seconds to clear before you die or have to bother with surviving in some way (like refreshing your shield).

  • Eh, I used it and honestly it was okay (for reference I don’t use Rivens), but the ramp-up is a real pain on Steel Path. It’s not really that much better than the Tenet Cycron or Kuva Nukor, even with no reloading, and the benefit of those other weapons is that they don’t need to ramp up as hard and you can’t mess the damage up by accidentally reloading. The augment mod makes it a much better gun, but it’s not king of the hill and isn’t a ruiner of the game. Ultimately, it’s just a matter of preference.