6 days agoSomeone’s gotta show Lost Odyssey some love.
Someone’s gotta show Lost Odyssey some love.
It’s such a shame. Pokemon has so much potential, but Gamefreak/TPC are… a bit shitty.
They could take a leaf from Morrowind. Open world, but use terrain and fog to hide the limitation and funnel the players along the points of interest.
Then late game let them go nuts, flying everywhere seeing the less than pretty areas.
Like Breath of the Wild had some empty ugly areas, but the worse areas were off the beaten path.
Also the bland areas were also usually hiding a shrine or something.
Both games have full implented battle systems.
Cobblemon allows you to move while battling, and has faint animations.
Pixelmon is more feature complete, but it’s glitchier.
Definitely play it on a server. The procedural generated gyms are cool, but nothing beats humans.