You either die a Legend or live long enough to be the type of psychopath that uses this light UI theme.
The dream Opticor right there 🥵
Angstrum sounds interesting. I have Boar, so I’d like to try it. But Gammacor sounds the most appealing to me. I got the Synoid version for so long it might actually be my longest owned weapon. It was made redundant with Cycron, Nukor, and Ocucor since it’s just single target but if Incarnon can help it, I’d love to put it back on.
I’m going to assume the weapon cannot have alt fire mechanic of any kind otherwise it would conflict with the Incarnon transformation. I would also prefer to avoid enemy faction related weapons since they can have a Lich variant instead. Lastly, I would prioritise weapons that don’t have any other variant (not sure whether to count Prime though).
Here’s a list of potential candidate weapons that come to mind.
Personal Wishlist
I named my Kubrow Ricco after my childhood dog (Riko), so I want to use him exclusively. Using other ‘living’ companions, especially the good ones like Panzer Vulpa or Smeeta would make me abandon Ricco because they’re just so much better.
A silly personal sentimentality if you will.
He does give you the most shit over comms too. You’re right to keep him for the memes.
That said, I’d change him on Steel Path, where once you kill him, he runs off to some huge ass Corpus mech and you get a round 2 which would be a proper bossfight.
A lot of boss fights are boring but they work as they are, but some need a straight rework, like Sergeant, Jordas Golem, or at least some touch up, like Lech Krill (mostly due to bugs), and Ropalolyst (also bugged as hell).
DE said they plan on reworking assassinations to be more like Jackal but they never got to it and Parazon isn’t as much used anymore.
“Change of plans, Tenno.”
That’s instant rage quit for me.
I base it sorely on my knowledge of the weapon, it’s theoretical placing in the current meta, and what stats the Riven has or if it is unrolled.
So, for example, if I get a Veldt Riven, I’ll be happy to sell it for 10 if at all, but if I get a Kuva Bramma Riven, even unrolled can go for a few hundred.
As for stats, a lot of people are idiots who just flock to the CC, CD, MS stats regardless of the weapons Riven Disposition and will pay or demand massive amounts of Platinum for them but will instead completely misjudge a value of a good QoL Riven on a low Dispo weapon. They also don’t understand the impact of some of the negative stats. Having -60% magazine size on a bow has absolutely no effect but some people will be convinced this makes the weapon unusable. Likewise, some will claim -Zoom is harmless but then don’t realize it’s for a Incarnon weapon that needs headshots so this makes it harder to aim with.
After giving it some thought since the announcement to re-open the sub, I arrived at the conclusion that I do not want to be a part of this community anymore, both on Reddit and Lemmy. This will be my last post here and I won’t see any replies but feel free to discuss anyway. Don’t worry, I won’t let the door hit me on my way out, but before they load and open (sad Volt main noises) I’d like to explain why.
I initially didn’t care about Reddit blackout because I was using the official app, thinking the API changes won’t affect me, but since my favourite subreddit decided to join, I did some reading on it and I see why people decided to do the blackout. In order to support everyone participating, including r/Warframe, I also deleted my 7 year old Reddit account with over 200k Karma through the Redacted.
While the people in the Warframe community both here and on Reddit are generally very nice, helpful, and I honestly like interacting with you, I do not want to support a community run by people who bailed on the blackout. I’m not interested in making my own community either because further splintering, albeit miniscule, doesn’t benefit anyone.
I’ve read your reasoning for reopening but don’t agree with them. To me, they are excuses we as a community could work around and resolve but you decided to take the easy way out instead of working with us. We could go into the discussion about this in length but it wouldn’t change anything because the decisions have already been made and I’ve no interest in trying to change your mind as much as you don’t care about changing mine.
Switching to Solo Mode.