Developer, 11 year reddit refugee


  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023

  • I’m really enjoying Otterwiki. Everything is saved as markdown, attachments are next to the markdown files in a folder, and version control is integrated with a git repo. Everything lives in a directory and the application runs from a docker container.

    It’s the perfect amount of simplicity and is really just a UI on top of fully portable standard tech.

  • There are people who are right now pushing back against the rise of hate in it.

    To what end? What do they really hope to accomplish?

    It’s owned by a bigot who is making both social and corporate changes to explicitly signal to and allow other bigots to take over the platform. They’re pulling back on moderation and firing all of the people who prevented it from becoming even more of a cesspool. What chance to a bunch of people tweeting about how things should change have against the person who literally runs the platform and his toxic fanatic horde?

    I understand that a lot of people have spent a lot of time on there and so it may feel hard to let go, but at this point it’s it’s beyond a lost cause and any further effort is just a sunk cost fallacy. You have to know when to realize that everything around you is on fire and that bucket of water you’re holding isn’t going to make any difference.

    This is why decentralized and federated platforms like Mastodon and Lemmy are the only real answer. Otherwise you’re just swimming in someone else’s pool and hoping they don’t shit in it.

  • I pay $5 a month to host my own instance of SearXNG on a 1GB Linode server. I am in full control of the server and the source code running it since it’s completely open software. I don’t have to trust that Kagi is being honest and fear that one day it comes out that they did something stupid like leak my billing address or sell my data through some convoluted legalese change to their terms of service.

    Additionally I get access to search results from Bing, Google, DuckDuckGo, and any other provider I want, all without having anything about me or my activity tied to some kind of centralized identity/payment.

  • They’re unlikely to do that as keeping Chromium source available helps them to ward off antitrust legislation. They can hold it up and say “See, look at all these competitors!” when in reality they’re all just Googles agenda in different skins. Meanwhile they get to continue dictating the web standards to cater to their profit motives by maintaining dominance over the rendering engine space.

    If you care about a free and open web, Firefox is the only morally correct choice. Anything else is just capitulating to Googles dominance over the ecosystem.

  • I wonder if it would’ve been possible for them to use Firefox’s Gecko engine instead, but I don’t know how feasible that idea is.

    Considering that Firefox is actually FOSS unlike Chromium, there’s absolutely no reason they couldn’t have done this. They likely made this choice because it was the easiest, as everyone else is already using Chromium so there’s plenty of existing reference material.

    If you want a search engine that you can actually control and maintain privacy, while also still having access to DDG, Google, and Bing search results, check out SearXNG.

    I host my own instance on a $5/month Linode, so in effect I’m paying $5/month to have completely private search without any influence from corporate overlords.