Roger. I’m leaning away from wifi
Roger. I’m leaning away from wifi
These are cool but I need something which will help my existing light switches too. I looked at aquara wall switches and they are nice but they seem to be around the $35-40 usd range
Ok. With Matter, I may consider cync again
I have looked at these and I am seriously considering them especially with newly-announced ZigBee compatibility… This is the trulyb"stealth" and I think cheapest option
Nope. These things are 5ish years old, Cync “direct connect”. I have a few Cync wifi bulbs and even 2 Bluetooth-mesh bulbs from wayyyy back
Ok. I also have the Sonoff 3.0 and it seems good so far. Might need to add that ZST to the cart
Tldr this house was wired funny
Here are some reasons:
automatic lights which follow us from bed to the toilet and back with minimal disturbance of each other and which return to pure dark without flipping a switch.
A hallway which have terrible switch placement. It has a 4-way switch and it leads to a room with another 3-way. 5 switches which should have been 3 can be consolidated using automation
I want automatic motion lights on stairs. Another annoying 3-way to get rid of
Kitchen has 9 light switches. I don’t want to explain why, but it’s not that big
TV area where scenes are important/want integratiom with other stuff
6.I want on/off automation on a few interior and all exterior lights for safety/security
I’m sorry. I’m still new on my HA journey (and marriage) so I’m sure there are unexplored integrations
Noted… Very good call ours. Thanks for all the details.
Help me out here. I happen to own a few cync bulbs as a carryover from my last home… The app has gotten better. But I feel like they have been extremely finicky. I am trying them on the custom integration and they are still finicky and seems like they break protocol. How do you get them to work over matter on HA?
Yep. This fits. Another endorsement for zwave, too
I’ll look into these. I hadn’t really considered ZWave but I don’t know enough about it not to do some more research. I picked ZigBee because we already have a tonne of Hue bulbs which I will slowly migrate to z2m.
You’re right, the cost of a Zwave USB shouldn’t be the deciding factor when the potential cost is in the hundreds for multiple switches.
I do know that I have neutral wires and have 2, 3, and 4-pole switches which I’m targeting for replacement
I’ve heard that these switches are the most “real” feeling smart switches but I worry about them needing Internet access and having them in HA is a hard requirement
I believe KASA need wifi to work. Or do they just work as dumb switches without a connection? I’m avoiding stuff which needs to communicate externally and would prefer a solution which won’t add to my LAN
Edit: but that price. Daaaaaammmmn
Edit: Scene support is not a priority. I need remote control so I can integrate sensors or scenes set up in HA
These are immediately going on the top of the list. Also, I’m going to adopt WAF as a metric immediately. Thank you.
Quick questions about owning these. Do the paddles stay in the center? Or do they click into a position? Also, do you find the click of switching them as loud as non-smart switches?
I guess you can’t beat openness and community for cross-compatibility
I’m in a similar situation and my strategy is to play the long game and win on convenience. I am giving my partner a curated HA dashboard as an option (vs the native apps). Once I feel like an integration is “production ready”, I put it in the curated dashboard. That way, she can choose her preferred interaction method… with the hope that eventually she’d just prefer HA and the functionality would be relatively equal without the cloud stuff.
I’m dreaming big
Oh for sure. This whole thing is a rabbit hole. PiHole\Adguard is definitely on my to-do list
+1 on this entire list.
I also recommend Grim Dark. It’s $2.70 rn
I have a vague recollection of the developers building the highest settings were optimized for a future where single-core performance was where computing power would develop on… But then, cpu technology advanced towards parallelization/hyperthreading/multi core, and it took far longer for single core performance to catch up to Crysis’ highest demands