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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Firefox has a profile manager (the thing that’s also exposed to about:profiles). Run it like firefox -profilemanager and you’ll get a profile switcher.

    Run firefox -profilemanager -no-remote if you want to open multiple different profiles at once (only the original one without “no-remote” will open new tabs when you click on links outside the browser). You’ll probably want to make a shortcut for different profiles though, not sure from memory what it is (but probably -profile ProfileName) and then you can easily use profiles.

    The support is actually pretty decent, just kinda hidden. You don’t get a profile switcher because the browsers are completely separate, they don’t really know about each other.

  • You cannot create information from nothing.

    Arguably that’s exactly what generative AIs do. Which is not what you meant, but yeah. I was going more for like “given current progress and advancements in how we curate datasets and whatnot, there is no reason to believe that we won’t have 100% undistinguishable AI-generated pictures eventually”.

    We already know that you don’t need to have stuff in the training dataset to have it show up meaningfully in the output.

    Psychologists/Psychiatrists are still on the fence on that one, I wouldn’t be surprised if it depends on the person. And yes the external harm produced by AI images is definitely lower than that produced from actual CSAM, doubly so newly produced CSAM, but that doesn’t mean that therapy, even in its current early stages, couldn’t do even better.

    100% agree there. What I would like to see is more research, but that’s currently kinda impossible with CSAM being as criminalized as it is. Which is kinda sad.

    Therapy seems to work on most help-seeking people (and there are studies proving that), so this should be a last ditch effort.

    The rest of your post I don’t agree with. It isn’t really (definitely not exclusively) a societal problem - some people’s brains are simply wired in a way that’s just bad and there isn’t much you can do with it, and either these people suffer by living with it, or they cause harm to others because of it. Both is bad.

    The vast majority of paedophiles are not exclusive paedophiles, often they’re not even really attracted to kids at all beyond having developed a fetish, they’re rapists focussing on the most vulnerable, often due to having been victims of sexual abuse themselves.

    Do you have any statistics proving this? It’s exactly the bias that already makes non-acting pedophiles unlikely to seek help. Obviously these kinds of people are the ones you hear most about, but I wouldn’t be so sure that they’re the majority (even if they’re most of the problem).

    My point is that if you take it as people who need help and actually manage to provide it, you should be able to get the number of abuse down overall except for the people who truly can’t be helped. And it really doesn’t matter much how you provide that help, even if it’s morally questionable like using artificially generated CSAM.

  • Artificial or not, this isn’t really a new idea. A similar argument can be made for existing CSAM and providing it under controlled conditions.

    And yeah, “nobody knows”, in huge part because doing such a study would be highly illegal under current CSAM laws in most parts of the world. So, paradoxically, you can’t even legally study how to help those people, even if they actively want to be helped and want to help you do research on it.

    Edit: Also, I’m not really making any assumptions; I literally said “there is an argument to be made”. I’m not making that argument because I don’t actually know enough. Just saying that it’s an option that should be explored.