apotheotic (she/her)

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • Biological sex is far more complicated than small and large gametes. You can choose (somewhat arbitrarily) to define biological sex by one or more of

    • chromosomal sex (which has a variety of variations beyond just xx and xy, so you’re fucked for choosing a binary here)
    • hormonal sex (which has a variety of variations beyond just “male hormones” and “female hormones”, so you’re fucked for choosing a binary here)
    • reproductive sex (which is gonna leave you defining a lot of people quite incorrectly compared to the other criteria listed)
    • how receptive their cells are to particular hormones (which will vary wildly from person to person, so good luck shoving this into a binary)

    The only people who think biological sex is a simple categorisation are people who don’t fully understand the biology of sex.

  • One of the big factors for how smooth something feels is frame pacing, as opposed to raw frame rate. 60fps with steady frame pacing can feel smoother than 120fps with unsteady frame pacing.

    If your hardware is struggling (ie, its capping out at ~40 fps) then there’s a good chance those frames aren’t coming in at a steady pace. The frame generation tech can only guess when the next frame will come in, and try to insert a frame half way through, but if that next frame comes early or late you end up with unsteady frame pacing anyway!

    I’m not sure if you can cap to 30fps and then use frame generation to get you to 60 - that would certainly be a way to get steadier frame pacing.

  • Favourite: Steam Deck, hands down. It has totally revolutionised the way I play games. I very often choose to play games on my deck instead of on my far more powerful pc.

    Least favourite: Smartphone. The closest I’ve come to having an enjoyable traditional gaming experience on a smartphone was Sky: Children of the Light but even then I was constantly getting frustrated with the touchscreen controls and dealing with my phone getting as hot as the surface of the sun. Its also just not a comfortable shape to hold while you game.