👻 Booooh…get fucked!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I know it’s against the meta, but I actually like this game. Get it at a decent price point (got it for 38€) and if the gameplay clicks with you, you will have quiet a fun game. No GOTY participant but surely a solid 6 or 7 out of 10 which in my world is still a good game and not a ‘weak’ one.

    Oddly it reminds me a lot of Freelancer, you sail, you fight, you trade, you humm to the shanties, you upgrade your gear and ship and sometimes you do all of that together with other players. I don’t care for the hand to hand combat or the land gameplay of Blackflag cause these were actually the things I liked the less, and to be honest I also would not need the land gameplay in Skull and Bones since the real character of the game is your ship.

  • oh boy I had an 88 in my old email address back in the days cause you know I’m born 1988…glad I ditched that before the twitter mob find out that I’m also german…

    really don’t get why this is a story based on some streamer with too much time. Looks more like something to get out of irrelevance if I look at his subscriber numbers…

    The game is also looking bland as fuck and it’s only “thing” is the steamboat willi character that has been slapped on for no other reasons than marketing. Seems a little bit desperate if you ask me…

  • You could say this about most if not all scams I dare say. It’s “your fault” you fell for it.

    Only if there is no chance to see your money back. A scam for me is something that is clearly desigend to trick you into buying it and then you out of luck because there is no chance of refunding your money. But in this case everybody who spend more then 20 minutes into it can see what this game is about and has no issues to get their money back.

    The game was marketed as the most ambituous MMO since a very long time and apparently what they released is a bad extraction shooter so idk if I could call it anything but a scam.

    I completeley agree on the shady marketing but again I dont see the possible advantage for the developers in this. They marketed their game as something that it is clearly not, so people just can check it for themselves or from valid ressources and then refund the game. No damage done except a little loss of time on your end.

    And please don’t think that I defend this game, I dont give a flying fuck about it, not even interested in it. I just find that a scam is something like Chronicles of Elyria, where all the kickstarter backers never wil see their money back. But The Day before is just a very terrible video game, nothing more, nothing less, at least in my opinion.