Was my favorite game for 2 years. Got into the esports and everything. Got super pumped at Blizcon 2018 when they said they are doubling down on the game and investing more into it. Bought a $100 year pass thing to help support the game.
Two weeks after Blizcon announcement thing, esports is canceled and most devs pulled from the game. I don’t think I ever felt that betrayed (I know that’s weird). I uninstalled the Blizzard client a few days later and left the Blizzard fandom.
Riot games is going down the same route “it feels” right now with League of Legends. I don’t think these companies understand that these games are not just games. They are these weird intersection of common interests for a friend group. Destroying that also destroys any interest in their IPs.
Marketing has been rough lately. I stopped using reviews sites for the most part. A lot of the time I could not tell if there was any integrity in the reviews posted or if it was just a paid Ad. I rely a lot more on word of mouth and watching my favorite streamers play a game before even considering it. I get the devs struggle. How do you grab my attention when the market is full of these types of games and it’s hard to differentiate at a glance.
Also, this game from the article is the type of game I wait until a steam sale before buying.