Don’t buy games for what you’ll hope they are, but there was just enough systems in this one that it finally got me to jump in and try out the Survivor genre. I like the inclusion of secondary objectives, the tension between mining for upgrade materials versus the strengthening bug hordes, and the ability to mine through walls to create choke points or escape routes.
For what it is now, feel like it was $10 well spent and I’ll get plenty of hours of game out of it. The road map looks interesting, and if there’s enough community support I could see them adding and tweaking the game for a long while. It’s good fun and plays well on the Steam Deck too. Not to mention that, while it is just the theme on top of it all, I do enjoy another take on the Deep Rock Galactic experience.
I never felt compelled to try out the “Survivor” genre until DRG: Survivor came out. I’ve played about 12 hours of it exclusively on the Steam Deck and I love it. Part of what I think makes it so compelling for me is that the goal is actually to mine, just like in DRG, and the survivor aspect of it comes into figuring out how to mine as much as you can before you’re forced to move on or die. I can see the structure being frustrating for some – the game mechanics force you to move on, sometimes before you’d like to – but at its core it’s an optimization puzzle: you only have so much time per floor, how do you maximize the balance between mining for resources (which feed into both the run and meta progression) and defeating enemies (which gives you XP to level up). It’s a great game and I’d highly recommend it to anyone who thinks it looks half-interesting.