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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Depends, building good games that establish goodwill and a strong franchise will make you more money in the end than the quick pump and dump mobile game candy crush bullshit.

    The difference is that the mobile game model can exist perpetually in a state of pump and dump because the platform of mobile is essentially purpose built to be a time waster. Consoles and PC games are intended to be an activity in themselves instead of a way to take a smoke break, the ramifications of attempting to convert the standard videogame model to the pump and dump model has been successful depending on your definition.

    Sure we’ve established that whales exist in every market and some people will buy every MTX they can even if it’s CoD or whatever, but we’ve also seen people who used to spend a considerable amount of money on games stop doing so, because the market doesn’t cater to their preferences. That’s the point Larian is making, you can create a true fan base with their model, you can only create addicts with the pump and dump model.

  • Because people always assume it means “the guys responsible for all of the good parts of the game franchise you love with none of the managerial/corporate oversight baggage that ruined the games these devs came from!”

    It’s a blatant attempt at cashing in on brand recognition for starters. Second and most importantly its main purpose is to essentially disinfect the developer group of their previous failures. It’s not the same level of obviousness as say… The devs of “the day before” literally closing down their studio and opening up under a new name, but it’s essentially the PR friendly version of that process.

    Make no mistake, this group and their new game are operating on the same level of competence as any other, don’t trust shit about them or their supposed pedigree. Don’t preorder, don’t hype, for fucks sake stop feeding this slot machine mobile game AAA experience.

  • If you have four drives you can do RAID 6 assuming your controller supports it.

    RAID 0 just puts your data on multiple drives, giving you higher read/write speeds but with no built in redundancy.

    RAID 1 is just a copy, you have your data duplicated so that if anything fails there’s an immediate copy. No increase in RW speeds.

    RAID 5/6 use “parity data” which operates somewhat like RNA/DNA when going through mitosis. The four building blocks TCGA only connect with one of the other four in pairs of two, so even if you have half the data (RNA) you know what the other half is by logical extension. The difference is that 5 uses 3 drives at a time whereas 6 uses 4, you can only withstand the failure of one drive in RAID 5 but 6 can handle the loss of two.

    RAID 10 (one-zero, not “ten”) does exactly what the name suggests, it combines the direct copy of RAID 1 with the striping of RAID 0 to give you double RW speeds with redundancy.

    Each one will reduce your overall storage by a certain amount, either because of copying the data completely or taking up space for “parity data.” The only one that doesn’t do this is RAID 0 but you have absolutely no redundancy there and if You’re considering RAID for home use I’m going to assume that’s important to you.

  • I doubt it, the main issue with Starfield is that everything is hidden behind a bunch of UI and you can’t get further than ten feet without another loading screen.

    It’s a space game where the spaceship doesn’t matter, since you can only fly it in small skyboxes and it essentially gets used as a fast travel hub. They took all the most interesting aspects of Elite or SC and removed the parts that made it fun. Yeah I can land on a planet, but it was just a loading screen. Now I can explore, but only for a bit before I have to walk back to my ship. No ground vehicles or anything to speak of.

    They shouldn’t have even bothered, because they couldn’t actually commit to it.