Sarcastic bitch with a wine problem

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2024


  • I’ve had a conservative say essentially that to me but with a straight face. He was also convinced that white, cishet meat eater men are the most oppressed minority (literally what he said).

    Parodying conservative opinions is completely impossible nowadays; any quip anybody can come up with will be an actual conservative opinion, pretty much no matter how ridiculously stupid it is.

  • Even on Lemmy, which is generally full of exactly the sort of people gAmErS hate, gaming communities tend to be… well, gaming communities. At least this post hasn’t gotten downvoted into the negatives, but it’s got 50% as many downvotes as upvotes at the time I’m writing this. Sure, maybe some of those people have legitimate issues with the article, but I very much doubt it – it’s more likely they just saw “misogyny” in the title and downvoted without reading it.

    Edit: are there any less, uh, gamery gaming communities around?

  • It never went away in the first place. A huge chunk of gAmErS are still incredibly toxic, basically just reich-wing edgelords who hate women and minorities.

    I saw someone complain about all the “woke” things in Starfield recently. He (and I’m 100% sure this was a “he”) listed things like “unattractive females” and “accents”, and goddamn if that wasn’t a perfect example of what’s wrong with so many gamers. Naturally “pronouns” were also a problem for this chud, because even the possibility of choosing “they” as a pronoun is literal gamer genocide apparently