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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I had a great time with it myself, despite many obvious flaws. It seems to scratch an itch that I’ve yet to find an alternative way to scratch!

    Maybe it’s as simple as cyberpunk fallout? But the worlds texture (again despite it’s imperfections) feels more than just cyberpunk. The fallout comparison has other similarities too (apart from the buggy engine lol), I love the active and relatively expensive mod scene too.

    I was definitely disappointed that the story felt a bit limited, but I’m looking forward to a new play through when the DLC is out, even if it’s another trainwreck.

    I loved the anime too which makes me excited for my next play through, similar to how reading the Witcher books opened up a whole new lover for the Witcher 3, although there’s much less of a connection between the Cyberpunk game and the anime obviously.

    Long story short, I can understand others frustration with the game, and I hope (perhaps naïvely) that CDProjectRED get their shit together with how they treat there devs. But despite that I loved it, and deeply hope they don’t abandon the franchise due to how badly the first release went. I must guiltily confess that it’s a real struggle not to preorder the DLC out of the vague sense that it’d count as a vote to stick with it. I won’t, mostly because corpos don’t work that way, and I don’t want to endorse the bad behaviour towards their Devs especially, but still.

  • Go easy on people. It’s hard to change, and something like lemmy can be intimidating for people to get on board with. That’s ignoring the fact that even if they move they can’t force their communities to come with them.

    I’m personally happy to see the back of Reddit, and am convincing anyone I can to switch too, but I can understand the challenge for the average user to switch. Hell, even Reddit is a technical step-up for a lotta people. The tech world has forced a paradigm that traps the average user, using the fact it all appears free as the bait. Be angry at big tech, not the ones they swindled.

  • I briefly worked in safety critical software, so adjacent to defence and aeronautical in the UK. I recall that when the UK was asking for the source code for windows running on the trident subs at the time (which is terrifying thought at the best of times. A whole new meaning to blue screen of death) that UK gov had asked to inspect the source code but was told to swivel. IIRC US and China were both allowed to look. That was all on the grapevine though, and I was still a kid so obv take with a pinch of salt, but I’m inclined to believe it.

    I had more direct experience in my role validating software to run on military aircraft. We were contracted in to “prove” that the software was up to do-178b security stand and bug free via line by line inspection and some other techniques (which was a joy as you can imagine). I never got the impression that the source would be shared with the government, only that it had to meet the standard.

    Interesting sidenote there, was that because it was for defence, being up to the standard was really marketing more than legal requirement. We’d find bugs that would trigger hard reboots of the hardware and the message was always “thanks for letting us know, but it’s too expensive to get the original contractors back to fix it so we’ll just ignore it”. I think they’d have been legally obliged to do something for civilian aircraft but military is a different game.

    (Again should emphasise these are vague memories from working a gap year before my masters, so take with pinch of salt.)