Here take some of these, I still have some left.
Here take some of these, I still have some left.
I hadn’t heard of that bug, could you link the github issue?
Love your avatar btw.
Its a user-specific setting, not a server setting. And this is just a preference for the default, it’ll still be configurable.
We’re still working on it, but we’ll add logic into the front ends to make sure these settings can’t conflict.
It will affect all lemmy apps, if they support this setting.
The colors I’d rather not hard-code, but have them be theme-dependent.
I remember when reddit removed the simple upvote + downvote and added “vote-fuzzing” and upvote percentage. Everyone hated it, but there was no alternative to switch to.
My original motivation was trying to limit information overload, and go from 3 pieces of score info, down to 2. This will all be configurable, but I’d like the default to be really simple.
I’d thought that originally, because a lot of former reddit (now lemmy) apps use score + ratio, but it seems like people really do prefer the simple very old reddit style of upvote + downvote.
Either way it’ll be configurable in the next lemmy update.
That’s intentional, reddit has probably the worst sorting algorithm of all the link aggregators. It’s entirely time dependent. In practice, the first post / comment is nearly always the highest rated, regardless of it’s quality.
TL:DR of the above article: if you’re not one of the first ten or so commenters in a reddit thread, don’t even bother.
Account settings import/export exists, but not a full data export. Part of the reason is that importing and overwriting historical data isn’t possible with activitypub.
But at least a full data export would be possible to do. Open up an issue for this in the lemmy back end.
There would also probably be an easy way to add this as a shortcut on your profile page too, IE to search all your content. Someone would have to open up an issue on the lemmy-ui github for that tho.
You can do both of these on the search page by filtering by creator.
I’ll do it for you then.
Open up an issue for this on the jerboa repo if you would.
I’m still digesting a lot of this, but the main ones for me are:
ppl love them and are outraged by reddit shutting them down. So lemmy needs to continue to prioritize requests from app devs, and think of ways we can make our API better
Reddit’s scummy treatment of mods and app devs is becoming transparent. In a way that’s unavoidable because reddit is a for-profit company that by nature must prioritize profits over its userbase. We as open-source devs have different incentive structures, and the more fully we become funded by donations, the more we’re accountable to what users want.
So we need to keep doing our bi-weekly dev updates, and stay accountable to devs, mods, and users.
Many thanks to the author for this, this took a lot of work and their labor is much appreciated. This is one of those great papers where it not only details a situation / problem, but points to things we could do to improve lemmy. I’m sure we’ll be referring to this for a long time to help us prioritize which things we focus on.
Please report those comments also, so we can remove them.