2 days agoapart from the littlebigplanet servers. Man I played that all the time as a kid with my friends. The nature of the game (creating levels and the ablity to share creations and give them to other people) made it one of the most wholesome gaming communities I’ve been in. I made genuine friends in that community. But it wasn’t the money maker Sony wanted so they canned it. I genuinely can’t think of one person that had a bad experience in that community.
Fair enough. LBP3 they switched to a different developer team and they didn’t do the best job. But man, the LBP 2 days are genuinely some of my favourite childhood memories. It was the most wholesome and fun time I’ve ever had. I think that if it wasn’t a sony exclusive, it would have beat out minecraft for best selling game.
There’s apparently a spiritual successor to LBP coming out called restitched and it’s on my wishlist and I think the game can make it big.