Arguing a single point ≠ claiming to be “right all the time”. What’s your next condescending bit of “advice” that’s totally not a poorly disguised character attack?
Arguing a single point ≠ claiming to be “right all the time”. What’s your next condescending bit of “advice” that’s totally not a poorly disguised character attack?
Apologizing? For what?
Lol. The admonishment for “misusing” gamergate by citing horseshoe theory as if it’s in any way applicable is hilariously on point. Good luck with that “enlightened” centrism.
What does this even mean?
Its not about the inclusion of a character, but about how a specific scene with that character is handled.
You didn’t read my comment, did you? Like the part where I specifically mention that? I don’t care if the scene was shot on a camcorder for a student created after-school special on a PTA budget. Acting like that’s the problem instead of any of the reactionary bullshit to it is not the viewpoint of someone who truly cares about these populations. Where’s the “helpful” article about shitty hetero romance scenes in countless movies/shows/games and how we should do better there? Those don’t cause a blip. But this? This is a “problem”. Fuck that.
and doesn’t even use the games existing lore for transgender people but instead uses modern terminology.
This reads like those losers that rage about black people in The Witcher because it’s “noT hIStoRIcaLlY AccuRAtE”. Bemoaning “modern terminology” is so pointless. They’re also speaking modern languages through the majority of the game. Gonna write a Forbes “article” about that, too?
I just want to voice my opinion that not every article about video games needs to be shared/promoted, particularly gamergate-lite shit like this. “Only” whinging about how non-cis white male characters are included in games is hardly any better than the chuds bombing the game on metacritic.
I’d also argue this violates your own sub’s rule (rule 9), not because it’s about “political” genders, but for explicitly calling peoples’ existence “political messaging”.
EA: It’s in the grave!
I’m unclear what the gameplay will be like. The vibe feels like something between DRG and Outlast Trials?
If you’re going to argue in bad faith, you should at the very least understand the words in the comment and how they are being used.
I’m not saying he’s lying, but maybe give it a moment before rewarding someone for doing basic damage control after doing/saying something heinous. Redemption isn’t an instantaneous process.
It’s a bite to the wallet to get a decent chair, but definitely worth it, and can still be done for sub-$1000 too.
On the one hand, putting absolute faith into an llm and regurgitating anything it says as fact is just stupidity manifest. On the other, holding customers liable for their own shitty llm is hilariously duplicitous.
Maybe, if this is a known issue, LI shouldn’t be pushing this crap on their platform in the first place, yeah? But some higher up already fully bought in to the grift and to pull back now would be admitting they got dupped, which will never happen of course.
Elden Ring really got this right by playing the cool cut scene once and then every attempt after goes straight into the fight. Could’ve done with closer sites/shrines in a few of the fights, though
They’re really digging in on this shit, huh? Here’s hoping enough people pass on their games because of it that Sony regrets the decision.
As shitty as it is, yes.
Not directly related to what he’s saying, but PeopleMakeGames just released an episode about the current state of war gaming and it’s dual, seemingly conflicting function as fun games for individuals, and as a repopularized tool of actual war for modern governments.
“Expedite”, as if the company doesn’t have direct control of it’s own systems. What a load of bull.
Looks like their keeping to the original aesthetic, but with modern graphics. That’s cool. They even kept the same Frank style vs DR4 (or the weird ass DR2 model). Curious what the gameplay will look like.
The only thing having a native steam game gets you is the community submitted layouts for steam input, and you can get those pretty easily with some messing with game titles. Even without any of that, though, you can edit the controls to whatever you want.
He’s right, but not for the reason he thinks. AAAs continuing to prove indies are the best place to find interesting games.