
Don’t talk to me unless you’re an alien, a time traveler, an esper or if your avatar is also Haruhi Suzumiya

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Good: Nice special effects, nice wardrobes, nice sets, the ludicrous violence fits right in with the universe, and particularly the performances from the actors are very good. At least visually, it looks way better and the effects look way more convincing than 3 Body Problem, to use another recent show as a comparison.

    Bad: apparently the show disregards New Vegas lore (personally idk I never played it), I think the editing is super bad, the story is average.

  • I love when I try to explain things to people and provide information, they just cherry pick through the facts to only affirm their previous biases.

    This is the sentence before your quote in the Wiki article:

    The hypothetical person lacking a sense of humour would likely find the behaviour to be inexplicable, strange, or even irrational.

    That’s you.

    Here’s a picture since you don’t seem to understand words:


    Do you get it, since the joke went over your head.

  • I’ll explain everything in this comments section.

    Top level comment talks about how the voice actor gets paid 100 Euros per word.

    Next commenter makes a dumb joke comment (no it’s eight and teen) that probably sHoULd hAvE beEN wRiTTeN likE tHis to get the point across. That’s the wordplay.

    Then the next people to remark on that comment literally come in and act offended that someone didn’t know the word 18, as the joke flew over their big dumb heads. (Linking the dictionary link for eighteen, “hurr durr being wrong isn’t inherently funny”). I responded to the first guy with the Wiki link to Humour because wow, some of y’all need to lighten up and stop being pedantic twits.

    Then after that some smug guy comes in and moves the goal post to “no we just didn’t think the joke was funny.”

  • Witch Spring R

    Apparently this is an old series with a few other titles? I had never heard of it before.

    Key features: cute tone, anime styled, Japanese/Korean voiceover, 3rd person travel, JRPG turn based fighting, lots of things to grind and craft for making items and upgrading things, visual novel style dialogue, low stress mood while playing

    There’s a lot of good about it. Particularly I think the lead Japanese voice actress is good and the overall presentation of how screens transition, the flow of gameplay from section to section (exploration, story, combat, crafting, minigames) are executed well.

    I am only about two hours in but I find myself feeling satisfied with just that much play. It’s less of an indictment on the game itself and more me feeling that the game is not personally for me. While the polish is nice and the relaxed feeling to WSR is very pleasant, I prefer stories with more tension and conflict.

    Age of Wonders 4

    Very nice polish, horrible tutorial, hated it immediately for reasons I am not even sure about. I have played too many 4x games, I guess. It struck me as a game that wasn’t bringing something new to the genre while also not excelling in a specific area either.

    If you liked this game, try to sell me on it. I still have it installed and am open to changing my opinion on it.