That’s exactly why consoles are exploitative anti-consumer trash that ought to be cracked down on by the FTC, though.
That’s exactly why consoles are exploitative anti-consumer trash that ought to be cracked down on by the FTC, though.
Refusing to re-release existing games should be.
…what?? Lol
I agree, saying that not continuing to make a copyrighted work available should be a crime is ludicrous.
What failing to keep such works available actually should do is simply immediately cause the copyright to expire and for them to become Public Domain.
What happens if you boot it with only the Linux SSD attached?
Well you definitely don’t want to put the power cables in the same conduit with the data cables (PoE being the exception). Run two conduits (one for power, one for data) separated by the distance specified by your local electrical code (probably at least a foot or so, and wider is better). If the conduit is metallic, then the spacing can be less.
In those conduits, run:
Let me see if I’ve got the picture:
Obvious solution: run conduit.
Don’t forget to think about how to keep the salt air from corroding the electronics. Either build a spare or two that you keep sealed in plastic, or find an airtight case with an integrated heat sink or something.
Edit: you might want to look into conformal coating and dielectric grease (for the connectors) as well, although I don’t know enough about that to competently give advice beyond the mere suggestion.
Heck, if HA knew for certain it was a workday, it could boot the laptop for me…hmmm. Maybe something to think about for the future.
I’ve been meaning to look into how to integrate HA with a NextCloud CalDAV server or something, because I have a lot of ideas for automations that would be best triggered by calendar events (e.g. ringing an alarm [get ready time] + [travel time] before [appointment]).
You say that as if Skyrim was revolutionary, but I never saw it as anything other than an evolution over Oblivion (and in some ways, a step backwards from Morrowind).
LOL, that comment:
It sounds silly but I think this should probably be fixed for 0.19.4 so that people are updated before all the cake days in June start, there will be many first cake days
Meanwhile, is still on 0.19.3 as I type this. sad trombone noises
That sounds plausible to be one problem, but it’s also weird that it’s different in two different places. There’s some duplicate code that probably ought to be consolidated.
What part of “programming languages are standards” do you not understand?
What you wrote is like suggesting that Internet Explorer shouldn’t have been allowed to implement JavaScript and that all websites should’ve been forced to decide between being compatible with only Netscape or only IE.
Research papers should be typeset with LATEX.
The FTC needs to invalidate Nvidia’s monopoly on CUDA. AMD can’t compete because AMD isn’t allowed to compete because of copyright law.
More commonly called “blatantly lying.”
More like the technology hasn’t caught up to the law. There certainly isn’t a consensus that the First Sale Doctrine doesn’t apply to digital goods, and should never be because that’s absolutely wrong.
I really miss the ubiquity from 2020, where it was all local.
I was definitely leery of Ubiquity for that reason since before 2020. Even though back then it could all be local, I feel like pushing people to the cloud was already well-established as being a thing.
My criteria for routers and wi-fi access points up to this point has basically been “can run OpenWRT and is relatively cheap,” so I’ve settled in on TP-Link. I’m still running on an old Archer C7 from a decade(?) ago and would like to have something that fits in my rack for aesthetic purposes, though, so my next router might be a 1U DIY x86 machine running OPNsense instead.
(of the license to use the software, I know we don’t own “the game”).
No, you don’t own the copyright, but you do own your individual copy. Don’t fall for the “licensed, not sold” self-serving propaganda.
Not really. It’s just a normal Zen 4 CPU with some server features like ECC memory support.
I’m pretty sure all the Zen CPUs have supported ECC memory, ever since the first generation of them.
I’m more interested in seeing this kind of tech applied to low-budget community efforts like OpenMW, where it could help close the gap between Free Software games and AAA ones.
Apply for a refund (regardless of how many hours played you have).