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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2023


  • Very cool question!!

    -The Long Dark: I have hundreds of hours in this game across various platforms (maybe even a thousand-plus, all together?) and with the different settings to play with to change the difficulty in really interesting ways, I think I could easily sink another thousand. I’ll leave the DLC behind, though, thanks.

    -Red Dead Redemption 2: My favorite game of all time, even just as a cowboy-themed hunting and poker sim. If Baldur’s Gate 3 and the stupid Guarma chapter didn’t exist, I’d say it would be a slamdunk for best game of all time, period. I’m not autistic, but if I had a special interest, this would be it; it literally inspired my son’s name.

    -Elden Ring: In five years, maybe I could just figure out how to solo Malenia without cheesing my build, much less the final boss of the DLC :')

  • Right, but if the person I was talking originally to had said “I’m not from the US so I know nothing about it” it woulda been fine and I would have immediately apologized and we’d go from there. Having a nice chat.

    That’s not what happened. Someone new chimed in with a pretty rude non-sequitur in the vein of ‘stupid Americans’. I don’t think I was particularly defensive or angry, but maybe it came off that way.

  • I’m not sure where you live, but living/growing up in the south… I can tell you that those beliefs run deep. Deep deep deep. Deeper than you can fix by just being pleasant to your neighbor.

    If you try to talk to them with kindness and openness, they dig in their heels and start spewing fox news talking points like it’s the most obvious thing in the world (I’m pretty sure they like it so much because it confirms every awful belief they already had). Try to present different sources, they’re rejected as fake news. I’ve tried everything with people around here since before 2016 and nothing seems to help. Mostly I just keep to myself.

    Living in the south, if you’re not indoctrinated, is very isolating. Even living in the cities doesn’t really help. You still need to dig deep and look carefully for people who don’t think you deserve fewer rights.

    Edit: thinking about it more, I think the isolation is the point, and it’s how so many people in my state believe some of the same basic things when it comes to religion and politics. You learn pretty young around here that if you don’t get with the program, you’re not going to have many friends. If you didn’t go to church, especially, you lost out on most of the community’s socializing for the week. It feels very cliquey in the smaller towns especially, almost by design.

  • Yeah, a bit. I’m really bad at remembering Xbox-style controls since I only ever had Playstation as a kid/teen, so it’s nice to be able to look and see at a glance which one is x and which one is y. It’s mostly just a petty aesthetic thing, though. Not a deal-breaker, just a preference when looking at them side by side

    Edit: looking at it again, I could see how it could potentially be an accessibility issue for people with poorer eyesight though?