Japan: Checkmate
:: Reveals 10X more laws regulating game consoles ::
Japan: Checkmate
:: Reveals 10X more laws regulating game consoles ::
They’re probably all too busy working on Half Life 3
I know, I know, it’s pronounced “Nyïmp”
Full name is GNUIMP anyway
Having played the absolute shit out of all of them at launch, including the non canon ones, Fallout 2 is my favorite, followed by New Vegas and 76. 4 was fun, but I spent more time building bases in 4 than I did in the story.
I’ve probably put more hours in 76 (since beta) than 4 at this point, specifically because it’s multiplayer, and Im pretty sure I had at least 400 hours in four.
I’d preorder it, no regrets.
Insurance, apparently. The parents are also suing each cop individually, and the school district.
It’ll probably happen when GabeN dies or retires.
Half Life: Blue Shift was, IIMHO, the first Second Person game. You play as Barney and in several places get to see Gordon Freeman doing Half Life 1 things.
I thought you meant the dog for a minute.
There’s a Canadian Invasion reenactment random encounter in Fallout 2, does that count?
Bethesda should make Fallout Tactics canonical. That’s right, I said it.
that’s amazing.
I’m going to rename my NAS “online discussions” in your honor.
Unsolicited fact: Heinz picked the number 57 at random, it just sounded like good marketing at a time when things were general marketed as “tonic #4” and the like.
(well, maybe not fact, more like probable truth)
Distributed Honor-system Clothes Peg Server
They should merge with RadioShack and that company that rented DVD’s out of ATM’s in front of gas stations.
haha no source, just a dumb joke.