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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Going back awhile now too for that no install right? Like didn’t PS3 have some installs? My memory is fuzzy on when it exactly started, but yeah it was nice to just pop in the media (cart, disc) and play. That was a great perk of console games, especially rentals,though there was a small time I could rent PC games when I moved to a city in the late 90s. These days I mostly play on PC anyways so always install but it was nice for the first few decades of my gaming to not require it.

  • To each their own on BG3, I used to play number of tabletop RPG games (many years ago now but a variety) and to me BG3 gives you enough options to feel like you can play as your character rather than just walk between combats, as well as avariety of ways to solve issues. Watching YouTube plays amazes me on the says other people solve the issue. I also used to play the old DnD PC games and it feels much better from my perspective, so that’s probably sways me.

    I can see your view but to me BG3 is more intended as a single player game, especially with the companion interactions, so I can see why multiplayer would be lacking. Thankfully I haven’t had many bugs but have heard of them. For reference I have about 120 hours after trying beta a few goes and only a bit in act 2 so it’s a favorite of mine and am biased.

    Thank you for the recommendation on the mod, I will definitely give that a try and see how the game plays. I keep meaning to reinstall anyways and new mods always give more incentive.

  • You know this isn’t comparable to an aRPG I hope. It’s more comparable to DnD on a computer, so a cRPG. They really have minimal in common besides leveling up and finding gear, though aRPGs make you grind for gear, a cRPG will let you find it through various means. It’s a story game more than killing things game, some of the best outcomes happen when you don’t kill. I don’t play on PlayStation so can’t comment on the bugs but haven’t found many in my many hours on PC even through beta.

  • Yeah I’ve had it in my library for awhile, played a handful of hours and ended up being off today so thought why not? Can’t get to online mode, I always figured I’d do online mode when it was released. A shame but it happens. Granted I tried right after I could download it so probably not the best time but I was also curious if something like this would come up. I’m sure it’ll get sorted out anyways.

  • You played it like 20 years too late, for the record I was about 20 when it was released. Yes there were slogs but couch co-op at the time was fantastic with Halo, multiplayer was much improved with Xbox live and not really there for the first one. There was some way to connect to play with people on the Internet but it wasn’t simple.

    Even with the slog areas (Library), with my buddies we played through coop so many times I’m pretty sure I did it solo on legendary a few times solo. I want to say this was one of the first games with regenerating shields for an fps (maybe first but my memory is fuzzy) which people mostly take for granted these days. If I recall you needed health still but that stopped later in the series too. Today I’d probably only play it for nostalgia and have been tempted to pick up the master chief collection to do that.

    I see how you can think that playing it first today, but for the time it was something else.

  • I never noticed many bugs and had 93 hours in the game under two starts, never finished it though, to be fair I don’t finish most games so not much of a difference there. Was playing today and was reminded how gorgeous it is. I love cyberpunk as a genre and have a half decent video card (3070) and the neon, reflections, smoke all look like some of the best of not the best I’ve seen in my 39ish years of gaming. The downside is at 1080p (yeah I know) is the hair looks distorted/crimped close up (mostly bangs and end of the hair) but still looks better overall than any hair I recall and the rest is all eye candy.

    Oh guess I should add, it really does feel like a cyberpunk world should, least to me. The setting is perfect for me but I’m sure there’s flaws I haven’t noticed.

  • I completely agree with your comment. It’s a bit of a slowdown from play when you search everything but at the same time if playing tabletop you’d have people trying random things that don’t light up for interaction of a video game. In the end it’s only a slight slowdown anyways and does add to immersion so it’s not terrible but more a time waster is all.

    I haven’t looked at mods yet, I like to do a first playthrough vanilla usually but I completely forgot they were a thing here, so thanks for the reminder.

  • I find sex scenes awkward to enjoy, I kinda like the fade to black where it’s implied but not delved into. That said so many novels that are aimed at a similar audience with sci Fi and fantasy have always had sex scenes (Necromancer, Hyperion, Expanse all have sex in them) When we were playing text based games back in the 80s we wanted a cinematic experience. What’s the result? Games with sex in them. A new Leisure Suit Larry game is probably about due now that I think of it heh. I just click through and continue on.

  • I remember those days as having no Internet let alone high speed, I recall reading old ads for some PC games. So they don’t seem as great as you’re implying because at least the game will most likely be fixed with an accessible patch these days. You’d have to do a lot more work to get one before or completely wasted your money in rare cases.

    Also usually publishers set the release date, though in this case I’m not sure if it was in house or not so may not be a point, though you called out developers so figured I’d add it in.

  • Yes,minor spoiler but I was made smelly at one point, I was curious so used a thing of water to make everything wet, this stopped the effect. Probably could have gone through a river too. That made me curious there was a bad substance on the ground, I shattered water again and it made it passable. Now this sounds simple but I’m programming terms it’s the same action interacting that changes different systems (in place hazard and character modifier). That alone could create small bugs when interacting with different modifiers, items and NPCs. For the most part someone wouldn’t run into a quarter of the bugs they post (even a quarter is high) but someone will and it’s awesome they are being patched.

    Personally I’ve played about 20 hours since release, the only bug I had was when I was playing on hotfix 4 before they fixed that hotfix. It sounds worse than it was, since it was a compiler issue. I’m sure others aren’t as lucky but even 10000 bugs isn’t bad when it’s a rare and edge cases. But with probability you get more players (and this game seemed to sell very well) and the weird bugs that even beta testers didn’t find will come up.

  • Just wanted to comment that land vehicles have their purpose because take off in the ship takes a noticeable amount of fuel (though not as bad as it used to be) It’s not bad but you can drive around to get resources in vehicle much easier (assuming you’re trying to explore a bit). Not saying you’re completely wrong or anything, once you get so far you rarely need to go resource gathering anyways.

    Base building is kinda fun if you’re into it (plus you get to build the inside of your freighter like a base) and there’s lots of missions and a decent chunk of story somewhere in there. It’s pretty shallow but more like a wading pool than a puddle at least. It’s fun to relax with and wander but I tend to lose interest before I can find the new ships and all so haven’t even got a living ship yet had it since release.