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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Rhino is great when you just feel like telling everyone “Bite my shiny metal ass”, bonus points if you’re fighting infested.

    He’s not necessarily the best tanky frame, but he’s absolutely a solid choice that you can’t go wrong with. Indeed, praise be to his mighty codpiece!

  • Energy Vampire has always been, and continues to be absolutely broken in a good way. She lacks the wide area nuke and pure room clearing power of other frames, and can be a bit on the squishy side when optimized for EV, but if you want to absolutely melt a single target, Trinity is your girl. She’s one of the few frames that has an ability that does percentile true damage.

  • Frost is one of the best early game defense frames, but unfortunately falls off pretty hard mid to late game. By mid game you’re usually better off bringing one of the heavy nuke frames as the saying about the best defense being a strong offense very much applies. Nobody can damage the objective if their dead 2 seconds after spawning in.

    As for late game although Frost got the same 5 second damage absorb as Rhino and that helps quite a bit with scaling it just means his bubble will on average last about 10 seconds between recasts rather than just immediately vanishing. In terms of raw defense you’re probably better off with Limbo or Gara the former because his protection doesn’t rely on absorbing a specific amount of damage and the later because she has mechanisms that allow both her defense and offense to continue scaling. A strong CC frame along with a good nuke frame is almost always better at defending an objective late game compared to a defense focused one.

    Even worse for poor Frost, he suffers from a severe mobility problem. His globes often represent a significant time and energy investment and being non-mobile strongly encourage him to pick one location and camp it. This can strongly discourage his use in any game mode that doesn’t have a stationary objective.

    0verall I’d say he’s a great starting frame and is very easy to get up and running with minimal mods, but suffers from having a very specific niche and a severe lack of scaling.

  • It’s not entirely clear, I’m not sure if there’s even an actual lore reason for them, they were introduced as special enemies for an event after all. I would speculate that they’re maybe un-awakened Tenno that Stalker has somehow convinced to join him. Or maybe they are awakened, but they’re just super emo nihilistic teenagers. It’s maybe telling that their names sound like something a bunch of edgelords would pick.

    I want to bring up another suggestion here:

    I think there’s a possibility after the Tenno killed the Orokin, he either found some way to work the Helminth or just infected himself with the infestation

    While an interesting idea, it’s ultimately flawed. The problem with Helminth (and the infested) is that although it can transform a person into a Warframe, the process destroys the mind. They’re left in a rage filled animalistic state. If Stalker was a person who had become infected he’d just randomly be lashing out and not capable of speech or reasoning. The reason the Tenno are even necessary in the first place is because they calm the minds of the Warframes through a sort of symbiosis/meditation. As we’ve seen with Umbra the frames are not entirely mindless but without a Tenno they’re closer to beserkers.

  • It’s fairly strongly implied that he’s a Tenno, but one that remained loyal to the Orokin (for whatever reason, they were colossal assholes). From the various frames lore entries we know that frames/Tenno served in a variety of different positions around the origin system so it seems whatever they had Stalker doing (whatever a low guardian is) he was excluded from the Sentient war effort.

    As for how he survived without entering stasis, it’s possible he pulled a Rell and he actually did die but used transference to permanently inhabit his frame. That could go a long way to explaining why his memory seems corrupted and he’s a bit insane. He’s driven by the vague memory of hatred for the Tenno/frames but can’t really remember details like the fact that killing frames doesn’t kill the Tenno.

  • On the idea of the wizard frame much like we have Hildryn as the shield frame, what if his passive skill was a built in Quick Thinking effect and he had very little HP, little or no shields, but an absolutely massive energy pool. Give one of his abilities a way to quickly generate energy (maybe on kill?) and you’ve got some good synergy going.

    I’m thinking something like 50 shield, 50 health, 100 armor, 2000 energy, and maybe a 300% built in Quick Thinking. I haven’t crunched the numbers on what the EHP would be like for that so that might be a little off, but you get the idea.

  • Discharge still mostly can, or at least it gets enough range that it’s effectively the same thing. Love me a Volt for ESO. Among the starter frames he’s arguably the best one that remains viable well past the point where the others fall off. He might not be the best frame, but he’s always useful.

  • Yeah I know that, you just need to go all in on the elemental damage and status mods. It pairs well with some weapon builds that don’t do much damage on their own but splash a bunch of status debuffs. Stacking a few different status and then smacking them with chromatic blade can really dish out some hefty damage numbers.

  • Sadly Excalibur is kind of a middle tier frame. I say this as someone who has a chromatic blade steel path excalibur build. I play steel path with him mostly as a joke (I have him fashionframed to look like a MR0 noob) but it’s a struggle at times because he lacks a truly good survival ability. Radial Blind can help take some pressure off, but he lacks the armor, shields, health, or damage reducing abilities that allow other frames to soak heavy damage.

    Additionally outside of very specific niche builds (E.G. previously mentioned chromatic blade) his damage potential is weak. He lacks the large area nuke capabilities of someone like Saryn or Volt, and has minimal utility (mostly just radial blind).

    He’s not useless, and there are definitely worse frames out there, but he’s not going to be anyone’s top pick either. Pretty much any viable builds with him are going to end up being very melee focused with all the advantages and disadvantages that implies.

  • I’d say as long as you don’t talk about what your username means unless someone specifically asks you about it that’s fine. Of course if someone does ask at that point I think you’d be fine explaining why you picked that username. Likewise simply saying what you named your kitgun or saying that you tried to name your kitgun that but it wasn’t allowed is fair. It’s something that happened in the game.

    The point of the rule I think is to prevent this place from being overrun with a bunch of essentially off topic posts. Imagine how you’d feel if MAGAts started posting a bunch of articles in here about how Biden colluded with George Sorros to replace voters with body doubles that voted for Biden or whatever coping mechanism they’re using this week. The no politics rule protects your enjoyment of this space just the same as everyone elses.

  • Ah, yeah that’s unfortunate. I’d say your best bet then is to either look for some public groups doing requiem mod farming or else just ignore the sister for now and deal with her later. As long as you run away whenever she shows up in missions I don’t think she’ll get any stronger, and the amounts she’ll steal at the end of missions should be tiny and easily ignorable.

    If you do find a group farming requiems there’s a decent chance someone in the group might be willing to stick around and help you kill her, but there’s little harm in just ignoring her as well.