I think it’s more that the vast vast majority of people just do not see creating or using an account as a negative.
I think it’s more that the vast vast majority of people just do not see creating or using an account as a negative.
Facebook market place unfortunately. Or just walking around on garbage day.
Here’s a case + 500w psu I picked up the other day:
(if you already have a case, hdds, psu, and cooling on hand.)
You can also get all of those except the hdds for quite literally 0 dollars, although depending on electricity prices and what upgrading you want to do it might be better long term to spend on the psu.
I find if I trace a figure 8 in the screen with my mouse the captcha passes much more often. I think it probably reads the small variations in your mouse movement to sus out bots, so the figure 8 gives it more data to work with.
That’s the second Microsoft Game studio to unionize isn’t it. How excellent!
That’s a lot of work on twitches side to keep it hushed which makes this weirder.
I don’t think that’s weird, twitch really doesn’t want the pr of being wrong or having a pedo on their platform, its a lose-lose and I would expect them to try and cover it up regardless.
Not to be cynical, but how can you monetize peertube as a creator. Even if you are established enough to do in video sponsorships, your sponsors aren’t going to really accept views from peertube when they evaluate how much your worth. So it either does nothing or it sinks your career.
They don’t appear to even have basic protections against ai. They didn’t even get rid of the context menu to download them, and the app shows up in google image search which means google has the thumbnails. It’s a losing battle, if you can see it so can ai, but they could at least but a few speed bumps.
Inside out tracking sucks and is the main reason I still use my index. While I see the advantages of wireless, personally find it much more important to not have to charge it.
Crunch is just a reality of any SW released on a schedule. When it’s fairly compensated, relatively rare and still respects the occasional hard no then I don’t think it’s particularly bad. There are times I push for OT in my work so that I can rack up some extra vacation for later in the year when I want it more.
This article is 3 pages stretching out a single sentence quote, we don’t really have enough information to judge in any way.
I’m disappointed. Thirpy is a bit of a killer for me, I think it undermines any competitiveness of the game and frankly just doesn’t feel good in PvP. It also seems to be leaning into the more MOBA side of things. This seems to be the direction a lot of team shooters go, but personally I like the more arena shooter style big fights, I greatly dislike the concept of lanes.
That doesn’t necessarily mean the game won’t be good, but it really doesn’t look like something I personally will enjoy.
Helldivers with friends have been fun, don’t think I’ll ever play with randos tho.
I picked “the swindle” back up with the intent of 100%, just got to win in 1 life, which is challenging but easier than I expected since you start making huge amounts of cash as your win streak increases. Highly recommend this game it’s got a lot of replability for what is a fairly simple game.
I also started “chronoark” it’s a deck builder roguelike. Story seems a little too verbose at times and I think I may have to ramp the difficulty a bit (I got a fun meta cut scene for winning my first run and breaking the story) which might be why I feel like I’m spending more time in story than playing. Still having fun so far.
Probably bullshui but there’s a 3rd option that they have legal reasons not to operate servers in some of those regions and helldivers was violating those restrictions. It takes more than a week to review the legal code in 180 countries, review the internal policies in place and audit the game for any violations all with the added complexity that arrowhead and sony are independent entities.
The thing with the 3 new countries seems to be a fix by valve, you might notice that there were several invalid country codes in the previous restricted list.
I prefer Dpad for platforming and top down as being able to move precisely diagonal is more important than speed control, plus the analogue stick wears out quicker and dpad allows switching directions faster. Analogue for driving and therpy gamess
Meta drove me out of vr. Still quite bitter about it.
It will be interesting to see if tiktoks newest big selling point (relatively free from US influence) will be able to offset it’s loss in users.
The Obama AMA was in 2012, That to me is the turning point for reddit, it’s when it’s population exploded overnight (which meant old users could no longer enforce cultural norms for the platform), it’s when news media really started taking the platform seriously and I think when a lot of the political influence of reddit was realized.
They killed the vertical task bar with that update, which seems like such a pointless thing to disable.
Imagine an article for TF1:
A valve engineer used Google to find a new matchmaking algorithm for Team fortress and now it’s in the game